1985 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
85-770 Fire, Hespeler Craft Industries File December 17, 1985
85-774 Fire, Jackson Avenue, Kitchener File October 17, 1985
85-776 Fire, displaced tenants, from Tops Restaurant, Cambridge File September 26, 1985
85-778 Fire, University of Guelph, bull testing barn File August 23, 1985
85-779 Fire, industrial building, at 177 Union Street File August 28, 1985
85-794 Fire, chimney, RR 23, Winterbourne File February 3, 1985
85-795 Fire, Jantzi farm, RR2 File January 4, 1985
85-796 Fire, Listowel house File January 12, 1985
85-804 Fire extinguisher drill, Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital staff File May 10, 1985
85-808 Fish, Susan, Ontario Cabinet Minister File February 11, 1985
85-809 Fishing, Grand River, Cambridge File August 9, 1985
85-815 Fleming, Kenneth, retired bus driver, for Gray Coach File January 4, 1985
85-820 Floods, West Montrose File February 25, 1985
85-828 Flying Fathers File December 5, 1985
85-829 Flynn, new education director, Separate School Board File June 11, 1985
85-840 Food, The Kiln Farm, Puslinch, herbs File June 18, 1985
85-845 Food page, exotic vegetables File May 1, 1985
85-847 Food shot, mashed potatoes File April 10, 1985
85-850 Forestf, Jean, Notre Dame College File July 19, 1985
85-851 Forge & Anvil Blacksmith Shop, St. Jacobs, Dean Piesner, working File June 11, 1985
85-853 Forster, Tracey, University of Waterloo student, sitting on chair, outside window File March 26, 1985
85-855 4-H, Reach for the Top competition File October 19, 1985
85-856 Foxcroft, Allan and Charlene, lost their land to GRCA [Grand River Conservation Authority] File June 15, 1985
85-864 Frey, Larry and Faye, anniversay annoucement cut in grass File June 5, 1985
85-865 Fries, Dennis, man on the street, re expanding Waterloo File September 14, 1985
85-870 Fusiliers, Cambridge Highland Fusiliers, training in Meaford, 1 of 2 File March 2, 1985
85-871 Fusiliers, Cambridge Highland Fusiliers, training in Meaford, 2 of 2 File March 2, 1985
85-875 Garbage piling up, at Bluevale Street townhouse complex File August 27, 1985
85-878 Garneau, astrounaut, at Scout Jamboree File July 6, 1985
85-880 Gascho, Connie and Carl Decker, re Motivair Canada Ltd., Elmira File July 18, 1985
85-881 Genes, singing group, at Federation Hall File October 2, 1985
85-884 German War Grave ceremony File November 17, 1985
85-886 Gies, Lou, of Lashbrook's Shoes File May 17, 1985
85-890 Gilliland, J.E., LCBO Inspector File November 28, 1985
85-893 Givens, Wayne and Erman, Aberfoyle File January 29, 1985
85-900 Goat, takes a walk File September 18, 1985
85-901 Gobles Grove Beach, submerged by high waters File June 21, 1985
85-904 Gole, Leander, retired blacksmith File June 24, 1985
85-906 Golem, Norm, retired barber File January 25, 1985
85-907 Golf course in Cambridge, and geese File June 24, 1985
85-910 Golfing through construction, on Courtland Avenue File July 23, 1985
85-916 Graffiti on wall, Victoria Street South File May 30, 1985
85-925 Granny flat, erected at Schedler residence, Allen Street, Waterloo File November 19, 1985
85-936 Green, Lorne, at Conestoga College dinner File January 23, 1985
85-942 Grey-Bruce, Farming Series File July 20, 1985
85-945 Greystones Restaurant, Preston, Cambridge File December 4, 1985
85-956 Guelph Spring Festival, Loftus and Goldschmidt File April 4, 1985
85-964 Guelph, Professor Benson and historic mansion File December 30, 1985
85-966 Guelph, teacher's strike, protest march File September 13, 1985
85-968 Guide dog, puppy in training File March 19, 1985
85-969 Guitarist, Soper Park File April 15, 1985
85-978 Haines, Geffrey, and workman File April 29, 1985
85-985 Ham, Warren, NDP, Perth File May 22, 1985
85-991 Handicapped, mental, NYP Feature, Mississauga and Kitchener Facilities File September 11, 1985
85-1003 Harvey, theatre production, Elmira Raceway lounge File November 26, 1985
85-1004 Hasenfratz, Frank, president of Linamar Machines Ltd. File July 11, 1985
85-1008 Haunted house, Optimist Club File October 24, 1985
85-1017 Hearing aid system, in school File October 12, 1985
85-1019 Heart Foundation, heart month, campaign kickoff File February 1, 1985
85-1020 Heaton, Joan, Profile Feature File February 4, 1985
85-1027 Henry, Dave, working on elevator housing, at Eaton's Centre, Guelph File December 2, 1985
85-1028 Heritage Home Feature, 88 William Street, Waterloo File September 4, 1985
85-1029 Herrle's Country Farm Market, early corn for sale File July 25, 1985
85-1048 Hishon, Marion, and friends, St. Patricks day File March 16, 1985
85-1050 Hiway Market, roof cave in File March 6, 1985
85-1054 Hoddle, Frank, presentation in council chambers File November 26, 1985
85-1058 Hodgson, Dwayne, Eastwood Collegiate Institute, writing contestant File April 30, 1985
85-1066 Homen, Andrea, 9 year old, survives car accident File December 17, 1985
85-1074 Hopp, Bill, retires from Colonial Cookies File December 9, 1985
85-1077 Horseshoe Restaurant, Erb Street, Waterloo File June 13, 1985
85-1081 Hotel Waterloo, owner Peter Cadman, with new deck File October 29, 1985
85-1082 House for sale, Wellington Street North File July 17, 1985
85-1107 Hunter, Jason, 2 year old, fell off 5 storey building File September 12, 1985
85-1109 Huras, William, Lutheran Bishop File June 4, 1985
85-1111 Huston, Stan and Donna, Turtle Soup Shop File February 5, 1985
85-1125 Infant and Toddler Safety Association, installing tether straps File August 28, 1985
85-1126 International Top Models, for NYP's story File October 21, 1985
85-1127 International Women's Day, University of Waterloo File March 7, 1985
85-1128 IODE, 70th anniversary, cake cutting ceremony File August 4, 1985
85-1130 Irrigation designs File September 17, 1985
85-1131 Irwin, organizer of writers conference File August 12, 1985
85-1133 Italian Grocery Store, pasta photographs, for Food page File January 17, 1985
85-1134 Izon, Stan, in front of Anglican church File October 8, 1985
85-1136 JR's Restaurant, Brussels File November 24, 1985
85-1138 Jacob, Ann Marie File July 2, 1985
85-1141 Jansen, Tim, with Style Column File October 31, 1985
85-1143 Jazz festival, Lulu's Roadhouse File April 17, 1985
85-1146 Jewitt, Howard and Alene, old farm house File October 27, 1985
85-1151 Johnston, Bob, woodworker at Mill, Paisley File July 20, 1985
85-1158 Joseph Schneider House, Show Towel 1836, by Catharina Shantz File January 14, 1985
85-1159 Joseph, Beena, Indian dancers, at Multicultuarl Conference File January 13, 1985
85-1162 Juggling Class, University of Waterloo, PAC recreational program File June 19, 1985
85-1163 Junior Achievement kids File July 31, 1985
85-1164 Junior Achievement, spaghetti measure File January 15, 1985
85-1169 KW District Labour, protest at Eatons File February 23, 1985
85-1174 Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital, Budd bunny mascott File April 2, 1985
85-1178 K-W Little Theatre File August 7, 1985
85-1181 K-W Little Theatre, "There Goes the Bride" File February 4, 1985
85-1184 K-W Symphony, re: recording by the Symphony, Brick Brewery File April 25, 1985
85-1187 Kabat, Joseph and Elizabeth File February 13, 1985
Results 1 to 100 of 3559