1985 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
85-1431 Mennonite Relief Sale File May 25, 1985
85-1432 Mennonite farmer, planting spring grain File April 23, 1985
85-1436 Mennonites, thrashing mixed grain File August 28, 1985
85-1441 Metler, Wayne and Karen, hot air balloon File September 10, 1985
85-1442 Metro Traven, Victoria Street File June 13, 1985
85-1445 Michaels, George, CHYM Radio File October 1, 1985
85-1446 Middleton, Ken, Elmira Raceway, secretary File July 25, 1985
85-1450 Miller, Ann, Premier's wife File June 6, 1985
85-1458 Miller, Premier Frank, at Independent Living Project, Guelph File February 18, 1985
85-1459 Miller, Frank, Ontario Premier File February 8, 1985
85-1462 Millroy tombstone, Cambridge cemetery, John Roe File October 17, 1985
85-1464 Miss K-W Pageant, Bess Assimacopoulos, winner 1985 File June 10, 1985
85-1468 Model aircraft show, Kiwanis Park File September 7, 1985
85-1475 Montgomery, Hulene, peacenik at city council meeting File October 7, 1985
85-1479 Morgentaler Abortion Clinic, 85 Harbord Street, Toronto File July 10, 1985
85-1487 Motel family, Mayflower Motel, Victoria Street File January 10, 1985
85-1489 Motorcycle precision riders, Waterloo Region cops File October 6, 1985
85-1492 Mowat, Farley, at Waterloo bookstore File November 22, 1985
85-1495 Muller, Lorna, essay writer File April 29, 1985
85-1502 Murder scene, Thaler Avenue and Fairway Road File July 3, 1985
85-1503 Murder, body found outside house, on Concordia property, New Hamburg area File April 4, 1985
85-1509 NCR, Waterloo plant, inside shots File October 29, 1985
85-1511 Nagle, Roger, race starter File April 13, 1985
85-1512 Nagler, Eric, kid's entertainer File October 6, 1985
85-1516 Neighbourhood fireworks, kids with sparklers File May 20, 1985
85-1527 New Years levee, Waterloo File January 1, 1985
85-1528 New Year's party, in a limo File December 31, 1985
85-1529 Newbury, Bob File May 6, 1985
85-1544 Oktoberfest, barrel race File October 12, 1985
85-1546 Oktoberfest, bunging the barrel, opening ceremony File October 11, 1985
85-1549 Oktoberfest, closing ceremonies File October 20, 1985
85-1551 Oktoberfest, festhall activities File October 11, 1985
85-1553 Oktoberfest, Miss Oktoberfest Pageant 1985, winner, Melanie Bryte File October 10, 1985
85-1554 Oktoberfest, Miss Oktoberest, arriving File October 3, 1985
85-1559 Oktoberfest 10k race File August 7, 1985
85-1573 Oravec, Rev. Oliver, rebel priest File September 24, 1985
85-1574 Orienteering Course File December 14, 1985
85-1576 Ornamental deer File September 17, 1985
85-1578 Osmond, Donny and Marie, at Lulu's Roadhouse File July 3, 1985
85-1580 Overend, Keith, of Organization for Pot Reform File July 10, 1985
85-1585 Painting the steeple, at Ukrainian Catholic Church, on Victoria Street File June 21, 1985
85-1588 Pansonby Public School, bird houses for kids File March 29, 1985
85-1589 Paper airplane contest File September 14, 1985
85-1591 Prachute game, kids from, Art Computer Experience '85 File August 23, 1985
85-1595 Parking garage sign, Charles Street File August 21, 1985
85-1596 Parkway Public School, Cambridge, multicultural day File April 18, 1985
85-1597 Parkwood Manor, mock wedding File August 14, 1985
85-1599 Patton, Gayle, Durham resident, with MS File November 7, 1985
85-1601 Pawletzki, Robin, and daughter Erica 6 months old, house fire File December 22, 1985
85-1608 PC Leadership Convention, Toronto, 1 of 2 File January 24, 1985-January 26, 1985
85-1609 PC Leadership Convention, Toronto, 2 of 2 File January 24, 1985-January 26, 1985
85-1611 PC, Tory Leadership Convention, Saturday File January 26, 1985
85-1615 Pellettier, David, artist File August 13, 1985
85-1618 Pertwee, Jon, actor (Dr. Who), at Tardis Observatory File May 21, 1985
85-1619 Pet visitation program, Scott Pavilion, Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital File February 13, 1985
85-1620 Peters, Lyle, hog farmer, Elora File June 13, 1985
85-1622 Peterson, David, at Waterloo rally File April 28, 1985
85-1624 Peterson, David, Ontario Liberal leader File April 11, 1985
85-1625 Peterson, David, in Cambridge, Babcox plant File April 23, 1985
85-1632 Phillips, Simon, Kitchener cyclist File August 22, 1985
85-1639 Picnic, at Saugeen Valley Conservation Park File May 9, 1985
85-1642 Pierce, Dr. Lewis, podiatrist File October 3, 1985
85-1644 Pigeon, Peter, art teacher, turned renovator File July 2, 1985
85-1647 Pinball Museum, University of Waterloo, 2 of 2 File July 2, 1985
85-1650 Pioneer Barbeque, Highway 8 File April 13, 1985
85-1652 Pioneer Sportsworld, finishing touches File June 28, 1985
85-1659 Piper aircraft, used in drug smuggling File September 24, 1985
85-1664 Plomske, Milt and Bill, at Rockway Golf Club File April 24, 1985
85-1667 Poinsettia tree, Valhalla Inn File December 6, 1985
85-1673 Poll, University of Waterloo, opinion survey, re beauty pageant File September 13, 1985
85-1679 Port Elgin, downtown redevelopment project File March 26, 1985
85-1681 Porter, David, with "The Game with No Name" File September 17, 1985
85-1685 Post painter, in Waterloo Park File September 24, 1985
85-1688b Power, Greg, retired court constable File January 18, 1985
85-1692 Preston High School, Cambridge, new cafatorium File April 24, 1985
85-1693 Preston Public School, graphics on walls, by Conestoga College students File August 20, 1985
85-1694 Price, Gord, and crew, re Ultimate Aerobatics File October 5, 1985
85-1697 Protester, at Litton Industries File August 6, 1985
85-1703 Purvis, Sharon, and son Robbie, injured at Canada Wonderland File June 5, 1985
85-1704 Pye, Doug, fought in Vietnam War File April 27, 1985
85-1705 Pyra, Gregory, and Cecily Moon, art show File March 13, 1985
85-1708 Qualter, Terry, professor at University of Waterloo, returns from China File July 5, 1985
85-1710 Quebec and Waterloo, summer exchange program File July 26, 1985
85-1711 Queen Street construction File June 25, 1985
85-1712 Queen Street, houses being demolished File November 22, 1985
85-1716 Radar detectors, confiscated by OPP File June 14, 1985
85-1719 Rae, Bob, Cambridge, Holiday Inn File April 26, 1985
85-1720 Rae, Bob, NDP leader, in Cambridge File April 4, 1985
85-1721 Rae, Bob, tours Kitchener File April 19, 1985
85-1727 Ralston, Keith and Jill, The Citizen Newspaper, Blythe File November 24, 1985
85-1732 Rauters, Martina, skiier File March 5, 1985
85-1736 RCMP Musical Ride File May 27, 1985
85-1737 Recchia Joe, matchbox File September 25, 1985
85-1740 Record, 25 Year Club File November 1, 1985
85-1746 Record, Lynda Coates and Rob Baboth, plaque presentation File September 13, 1985
85-1747 Record Golf Tournment File August 27, 1985
85-1753 Record, suggestion award winners File June 21, 1985
85-1754 Record Promotion for newsletter, portable TRS-100 terminals File June 8, 1985
85-1759 Record, K-W Home Show, exhibit File April 25, 1985
85-1762 Record, Home Show, lawn chair File April 17, 1985
Results 1 to 100 of 3559