1980 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
80-1403 Ingram, Terry at Doon Presbyterian Church and new hall File October 01, 1980
80-1407 Inuit student exchange program, students with cameras in Waterloo Park File August 23, 1980
80-1408 Inuit kids summer visit File August 26, 1980
80-1409 Insects, display at University of Waterloo Biology and Earth Sciences Museum File March 18, 1980
80-1418 Jogger, unidentified File January 21, 1980
80-1421 Johns, Leanne, wood carver at nature school File March 07, 1980
80-1423 Johnston, Lois, volunteer worker for CNIB, transcriber File July 15, 1980
80-1426 Julian's dining room interior, for Pulse File October 25, 1980
80-1437 Kaufman, A.R., school, grade 3, class letters File June 06, 1980
80-1439 Kaufman, A.R., School, Christmas elves File December 16, 1980
80-1448 Kell, Bill in three piece suit and sneakers File April 17, 1980
80-1454 Kent Hotel, sign falling over in Waterloo File August 17, 1980
80-1457 Kids climbing snow hill, New Dundee File December 03, 1980
80-1462 Kids and dog in leaves File October 09, 1980
80-1463 Kids fishing, Greenbrook Park File August 12, 1980
80-1469 Kids on park ride File September 25, 1980
80-1470 Kids at play, spring File April 29, 1980
80-1474 Kid on swing at Sheppard Park File July 30, 1980
80-1484 King Centre, Marathon Realty, fitting glass into overhangs File August 15, 1980
80-1493 King, George, Salvation Army Captain, Listowel walker File May 06, 1980
80-1502 Kinzie, Dorothy, with child getting mail from mailbox File April 18, 1980
80-1503 Kirker, Reveren Al File July 16, 1980
80-1512 Kitchener Memorial Auditorium, mobile camper show File February 15, 1980
80-1513 Kitchener Bowlin club champions File September 18, 1980
80-1514 Kitchener button, exterior of plant File November 29, 1980
80-1516 Kitchener, Canada Day multicultural picnic File July 01, 1980
80-1522 Kitchener, downtown business block File February 05, 1980
80-1527 Kitchener Santa Claus parade File November 29, 1980
80-1534 Kitchener Public Library, filmaking class demonstrations File December 04, 1980
80-1542 Kitchener, rundown houses near Centre in the Square File October 08, 1980
80-1553 Kiwanis Music Festival File April 22, 1980
80-1557 KKK protest, Speaker's Corner File September 20, 1980
80-1559 Kocher, Lorne, demonstrating blind voters template File February 05, 1980
80-1562 Koebel, Vic, big fish File July 04, 1980
80-1566 Koolade stand, Klooster, Stephanie and Shannon, for Etherington column File August 08, 1980
80-1567 Korreia, Carlos, junior tennis player in action File August 11, 1980
80-1568 Koutecky, Jaroslav, professor receives honorary degree File May 22, 1980
80-1585 Kuzmanovic, Nick, squirrels nest in air filter File November 28, 1980
80-1588 K-W Art Gallery, Kemp Kieffer and display File March 06, 1980
80-1590 K-W Community Orchestra t-shirts File June 12, 1980
80-1592 Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital Auxiliary Nearly New advance sale File April 10, 1980
80-1594 Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital Auxiliary, making decorations for annual dance File November 02, 1980
80-1599 K-W Little Theatre, Victoria Park Pavilion File December 03, 1980
80-1602 K-W Musical Productions, Mame File November 04, 1980
80-1607 K-W Symphony ski-a-thon winners File February 27, 1980
80-1614 Lackenbauer, Owen of B.F. Goodrich, jogging File April 10, 1980
80-1616 Lada sign defaced File January 10, 1980
80-1622 Lakeside park pond, boys fishing File June 11, 1980
80-1625 Lamb, Dave, REACT member File January 14, 1980
80-1627 Lang, Carol of Kitchener C of C, tearing down posters File July 12, 1980
80-1630 LaPalme, Denis, amputee training for Special Olympics File April 21, 1980
80-1632 Laser eye examiner for cataract patients File July 30, 1980
80-1635 Laurel Creek, boy buried in sand with hands File June 14, 1980
80-1637 Laurel Creek, windsurfing File June 15, 1980
80-1641 Lear Seigler, bumper stickers File June 18, 1980
80-1642 Leask, Barbara, M.D., Cambridge Hospital File November 25, 1980
80-1647 Lehner, Jurgen, journalist from Austria loses passport and money File June 07, 1980
80-1648 Leisure Lodge, fire destroys entertainment centre File February 22, 1980
80-1656 Lightfoot, Gordon, in concert File September 30, 1980
80-1658 Lifeguard competitions, Waterloo Park Lions pool File August 23, 1980
80-1661 Lincoln Heights Think Bowl, Think Tank winners File September 03, 1980
80-1664 Lion Safari giraffe and Christmas tree File December 18, 1980
80-1669 Don Litwiller, distress device File July 14, 1980
80-1680 Luther Marsh tour, 2 of 2 File June 26, 1980
80-1682 Lyons Pool Waterloo Park, divers File July 28, 1980
80-2190 St. Jacob Blacksmith Martin File April 28, 1980
80-2192 St. Jacobs, blacksmith feature File April 28, 1980
80-2193 St. Jacobs Firehall, crokinole players File January 25, 1980
80-2197 St. Jacobs, Tindall, Mr., pulling up cartons into barn loft File April 29, 1980
80-2198 St. John's Anglican Church, pudding factory File November 5, 1980
80-2199 St. Marie, Paul, 15 year old shoe shine boy File November 22, 1980
80-2213 St. Peters Lutheran Church, Loatians arriving from Thailand File September 24, 1980
80-2217 Safe, Dr. Stephen, of the University of Guelph, Reyes Syndrome research File March 24, 1980
80-2218 Safety patrols at Lion Safari File June 19, 1980
80-2220 Sailing Port Elgin File June 21, 1980
80-2222 Salt, illustration for story on high blood pressure File January 22, 1980
80-2224 Sanderson, Don, wine deliverer with a song File November 24, 1980
80-2225 Santa Claus parade, advance Jaycees File November 26, 1980
80-2227 Santa and kids at mall File December 3, 1980
80-2230 Santa in August File August 22, 1980
80-2235 Scenic roads, New Hamburg and iron bridge File May 13, 1980
80-2258 Schreyer, Governor General visit Centre-in-Square, St. Jacobs File October 3, 1980
80-2261 Schwartz, Marie, accident victim, loses friends File December 19, 1980
80-2264 Scientology, feature Bradnam File July 16, 1980
80-2265 Scientology, to go with feature, picture of IQ test sign on door File June 25, 1980
80-2266 Scott, Jan, with rocking horse File January 26, 1980
80-2277 Shel, Jerome, H & S File December 16, 1980
80-2278 Senior Citizen's Week, Sunnyside File June 16, 1980
80-2279 Seniors and University of Waterloo students in recreation courst at Adult Recreation Centre, Waterloo File February 12, 1980
80-2292 Shrigley, Ken, painter of Royal Doulton figurines File April 25, 1980
80-2293 Shropp, Carla, Miss Concordia Club File April 26, 1980
80-2297 Sigma Beta Phi, girls of the year File April 29, 1980
80-2301 Signs, Goetz worker with street construction signs File September 3, 1980
80-2302 Sign in Guelph, We serve worms with Frank Goddard File October 8, 1980
80-2308 Siroca, Peter, WLU File July 23, 1980
80-2310 Sisters reunion, 50 years apart File June 26, 1980
80-2314 Skateboarders on ramp at Chicopee. File June 10, 1980
80-2320 Skiiers, skiiing through pond at Chicopee File March 19, 1980
80-2325 Sleigh ride for AECE File February 3, 1980
80-2327 Slimmin Wimmin, Preston, Cambridge File September 23, 1980
Results 1601 to 1700 of 3864