1979 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
79-2238 Weather, snowmobiler File January 18, 1979
79-2239 Weather, kids bundled up for cold File January 04, 1979
79-2241 Weather, cross country skier and girl with dog File January 22, 1979
79-2250 Weather, caution sign with ice and pedestrians File January 02, 1979
79-2253 Weather, dog in bathtub File July 16, 1979
79-2260 Weather, kid and dog on slide at Victoria Park File July 10, 1979
79-2263 Weather, father sleeping with kid in mall File November 01, 1979
79-2269 Weather, little girl in wading pool File July 18, 1979
79-2270 Weather, man in shorts during cold snap, being eyed by passer by File October 23, 1979
79-2272 Weather, Milverton kids playing baseball File April 11, 1979
79-2280 Weather, spring like March weekend File March 18, 1979
79-2281 Weather, sunset swingers File October 25, 1979
79-2290 Weber, Helga and son from Germany File July 17, 1979
79-2302 Wellesley Township building with Frank Friedman File January 31, 1979
79-2304 Wellington County Museum picnic File July 13, 1979
79-2314 Westmount Public School, railway safety File November 19, 1979
79-2320 What's for sale, 168 Bakerfield, Cambridge File August 17, 1979
79-2322 What's for sale, Broadleaf Place, Kitchener File September 15, 1979
79-2332 What's for sale, 101 Boniface Avenue, Kitchener File November 10, 1979
79-2337 What's for sale, #104-30 Green Valley Drive File April 03, 1979
79-2341 What's for sale, 280 Kinzie, Kitchener File January 02, 1979
79-2343 What's for sale, 141 Lyndhurst File September 19, 1979
79-2344 What's for sale, 125 Massy File October 10, 1979
79-2351 What's for sale, 28 Tupper Crescent, Kitchener File July 03, 1979
79-2356 What's for sale, 59 Manor Drive, Kitchener File May 28, 1979
79-2361 What's for sale, 125 Park Street, Waterloo File February 13, 1979
79-2376 What's for sale, 53 Willow Street, Waterloo File June 05, 1979
79-2379 [What's for sale] File 1979
79-2385 What they're building, 76 Cindy Avenue, Hespeler, Cambridge File July 31, 1979
79-2399 What they're building, housing feature #111 File December 10, 1979
79-2403 What they're building, 532 Pioneer Park Drive File January 16, 1979
79-2407 What they're building, 111 White Pine Crescent, Waterloo File July 31, 1979
79-2409 Whelan, Eugene and Ken McKinnon re Waterloo Wellington Dairy Club File November 14, 1979
79-2410 Wickie, Herb, United Trails driver File April 1979
79-2420 Wilfrid Laurier orchestra File April 04, 1979
79-2422 Wilfrid Laurier, student centre addition announced File April 12, 1979
79-2427 Wilcox, David at Breslau Hotel File April 26, 1979
79-2428 Williams, Grant with barboard at house that he designed File September 25, 1979
79-2429 Willson, Doug grand prize winner in skylab contest at the University of Waterloo File July 16, 1979
79-2430 Wilson, John and Cambridge downtown development model File August 03, 1979
79-2433 Winkler, Henry File April 03, 1979
79-2434 Winston Churchill Public School, snowsnake competition File February 14, 1979
79-2441 Women Alive, Joni Earkeckson File May 07, 1979
79-2452 Woodstock, tornado follow, Flossie Tanner, John Lee File November 01, 1979
79-2453 Woodstock tornado File August 11, 1979
79-2455 Woodstock tornado damage File August 17, 1979
79-2457 Woodstock tornado damage (1) File August 08, 1979
79-2458 Woodstock, tornado, rebuilding in Tavistock area File August 15, 1979
79-2459 Woodstock tornado, folder 2 File August 08, 1979
79-2475 Yoyo lessons on Belmont Street File April 26, 1979
79-2477 YMCA car wash File May 12, 1979
79-2478 Zehrs, Ottawa Street plaza, power off File September 15, 1979
79-2484 Amatruda, Frances File October 18, 1979
79-2492 Arnold, Jake, retired truck driver File October 16, 1979
79-2497 Baird, Mr. & Mrs Harry together, passport File March 02, 1979
79-2499 Baird, Scott File April 10, 1979
79-2502 Bartel, Art, Robert O. Travel File October 10, 1979
79-2503 Basse, Harold, Waterloo region Police Chief File May 16, 1979
79-2520 Berger, Thomas, judge, Mackenzie Pipeline File October 18, 1979
79-2521 Berner, Don, Brodey-Draimin File June 08, 1979
79-2523 Bernier, Dean, staff File October 17, 1979
79-2525 Bernier, Theresa, passport, staff File December 21, 1979
79-2526 Bibby, Lloyd, feet up on Hayes desk File February 23, 1979
79-2528 Bilyea, Cliff, Canadian Hearing Society File August 31, 1979
79-2534 Boettger, Marg, focus File March 06, 1979
79-2537 Boniface, George, President Grand Valley Construction Association File February 20, 1979
79-2540 Bowman, Al, Kaye File March 01, 1979
79-2545 Brain, Larry, Ridgehill Ford File February 26, 1979
79-2548 Bryden, Professor Phil, University of Waterloo, brain studies File September 13, 1979
79-2551 Braun, Frank File June 14, 1979
79-2552 Brezynskie, Bryan, Parkway Ford File January 25, 1979
79-2557 Brown, Steve, Kaye File March 01, 1979
79-2558 Brubacher, Mr. and Mrs. Albert, 25th anniversary File May 24, 1979
79-2560 Buchanan, Buck File April 30, 1979
79-2566 Burt, Ron, Olivetti File May 02, 1979
79-2569 Butler, Geoff, Centre in the Square manager File February 06, 1979
79-2570 Burtonshaw, Bill, President of Canadian Institute of Management File June 11, 1979
79-2571 Bye, Brian, Dubrick Real Estate File June 13, 1979
79-2575 Campbell, Don File July 26, 1979
79-2576 Campbell, Doug, two-way File February 15, 1979
79-2580 Carter, Pat, Chairman, Community Resources for Women File April 26, 1979
79-2586 Chisholm, Karen, Waterloo County home economics File July 23, 1979
79-2591 Clark, Brian, Mobilife Centre File February 08, 1979
79-2593 Clark, Wayne, Toronto designer File September 13, 1979
79-2594 Clark, Ralph, Schlueter Chevrolet Oldsmobile Limited File March 01, 1979
79-2596 Clement, Peter File August 21, 1979
79-2601 Collens, Sandy, staff File October 11, 1979
79-2605 Conrad, Manfred, Wiebe Real Estate File September 14, 1979
79-2609 Coutts, Andrew, Edinburgh Award File June 19, 1979
79-2614 Crawley, Bill, Kaye File March 01, 1979
79-2624 Davidson, Bruce, UAW President, Kitchener File October 02, 1979
79-2628 De Boer, Jayce, for focus File January 15, 1979
79-2629 DeGroot, Harry, Degroot Real Estate File January 09, 1979
79-2631 Demerling, Dennis File July 09, 1979
79-2632 Dennis, Gordon File July 18, 1979
79-2633 Dennis, Harry File July 18, 1979
79-2636 Di Cresce, Ann, Bender Real Estate File June 11, 1979
79-2640 Diebel, Peter, downtown area improvement board File November 27, 1979
79-2642 Dietrich, Harold File June 27, 1979
79-2646 Donahue, Dan, fastball File May 09, 1979
Results 2101 to 2200 of 3482