Level of description
Digital object |
79-61 |
Cambridge TV |
File |
April 19, 1979 |
79-76 |
Dubrick Real Estate, Norm Machel presenting awards to Mike Voll, Dietmar Sommerfeld and Matt Ringwald |
File |
August 16, 1979 |
79-78 |
Dominion Stores |
File |
October 04, 1979 |
79-79 |
Dubrick Real Estate, presentations shops |
File |
September 25, 1979 |
79-84 |
Esso, Imperial Oil dealers |
File |
June 06, 1979 |
79-85 |
Florida Real Estate |
File |
October 18, 1979 |
79-90 |
Gus Maue sports, Waterloo |
File |
November 30, 1979 |
79-91 |
Home Hardware microwave and cookstove |
File |
May 07, 1979 |
79-92 |
Heffner Motors |
File |
May 25, 1979 |
79-94 |
House on Glen Manor Drive in Waterloo |
File |
November 02, 1979 |
79-101 |
Knechtels groceries |
File |
April 05, 1979 |
79-104 |
Knechtel |
File |
March 22, 1979 |
79-111 |
Lashbrooks, shoes and boot |
File |
March 14, 1979 |
79-123 |
Ostranders jewellery |
File |
May 1, 1979 |
79-126 |
The Permanent, Marie Feltis and Fred Maier |
File |
February 07, 1979 |
79-132 |
Rich Craft interior, Waterloo |
File |
April 2, 1979 |
79-139 |
Simpsons, shoes |
File |
December 05, 1979 |
79-143 |
Skovsgaard group photo |
File |
January 15, 1979 |
79-146 |
Staebler Insurance Jaimeson |
File |
May 10, 1979 |
79-154 |
Stevens Motors |
File |
May 31, 1979 |
79-156 |
Trend Unisex, Gary Trask Natalie Award |
File |
March 13, 1979 |
79-166 |
Wesseling, birthday party |
File |
March 05, 1979 |
79-169 |
Zacks Fashion |
File |
May 18, 1979 |
79-679 |
Doon Pioneer Village, clothing restoration feature |
File |
January 24, 1979 |
79-680 |
Dorsey, Richard, oboist with KW Symphony |
File |
June 18, 1979 |
79-685 |
Drug addicts turn to prescription stealing |
File |
November 12, 1979 |
79-687 |
Drum and bugle corp thank you concert |
File |
September 15, 1979 |
79-688 |
Drumbo fair |
File |
September 23, 1979 |
79-689 |
Drumbo, mine opens |
File |
May 10, 1979 |
79-691 |
Ducklings in Victoria Park |
File |
May 29, 1979 |
79-696 |
Dunker Mews Building, demolition |
File |
July 3, 1979 |
79-697 |
Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Bill, delivered baby in storm, Hollen |
File |
April 8, 1979 |
79-699 |
Durst, Kathy |
File |
July 10, 1979 |
79-701 |
Dutch feature, Drayton and Cambridge |
File |
October 2, 1979 |
79-702 |
Dyck, Jake, zone change |
File |
February 1, 1979 |
79-705 |
Easter Monday kids at progressive playground, Victoria Park |
File |
April 16, 1979 |
79-707 |
Eastwood Collegiate Institute musicians in library |
File |
April 24, 1979 |
79-712 |
Eat N' Putt, Dining Out |
File |
May 7, 1979 |
79-719 |
Ecole Cardinal Leger, winter carnival |
File |
January 30, 1979 |
79-724 |
Election candidates, Kitchener riding |
File |
April 20, 1979 |
79-725 |
Election, Guelph candidates |
File |
May 14, 1979 |
79-726 |
Election signs and due worms for sale |
File |
May 14, 1979 |
79-729 |
Election, Sandowne School, kids see voting |
File |
May 22, 1979 |
79-731 |
Election, MacLean, Waterloo winner |
File |
May 22, 1979 |
79-734 |
Electrohome, color TV assembly line |
File |
January 12, 1979 |
79-739 |
Elmira, Beavers toboganning party |
File |
March 3, 1979 |
79-748 |
Elmira District Secondary School, Dick Reidstra, hard of hearing music teacher |
File |
March 22, 1979 |
79-749 |
Elmira District Secondary School, acid demolition |
File |
September 20, 1979 |
79-755 |
Elmira racetrack, exercising horses |
File |
January 22, 1979 |
79-759 |
Elora quarry, Cries in the night movie car over cliff |
File |
August 20, 1979 |
79-762 |
Elora rug hooker |
File |
March 15, 1979 |
79-766 |
Emergency measures organization |
File |
March 9, 1979 |
79-767 |
Enns, Herbert, retiring printer for Finance |
File |
August 2, 1979 |
79-769 |
Epp, Reverend Frank, election battle |
File |
March 27, 1979 |
79-771 |
Erbsville Go Carts, WLU engineering students races |
File |
September 28, 1979 |
79-773 |
Esmail, Hassan and family, Uganda refugees |
File |
February 28, 1979 |
79-779 |
Everton scout camp feature |
File |
January 7, 1979 |
79-784 |
Fairview Park Mall, Guelph group acting in mall |
File |
August 18, 1979 |
79-786 |
Fairway Press, exterior |
File |
August 13, 1979 |
79-789 |
Farming, cutting straw |
File |
June 17, 1979 |
79-795 |
Fashion, Daffodil Tea Review, The Room at Simpsons |
File |
April 12, 1979 |
79-804 |
Feather pen for hand writing feature |
File |
January 26, 1979 |
79-807 |
Federated Appeal, pace setters campaign opens |
File |
September 1, 1979 |
79-808 |
Fehrenbach, Father Peter, re book |
File |
February 6, 1979 |
79-809 |
Fehrenbach, Johanna, 104 years old |
File |
August 21, 1979 |
79-814 |
Fergus, old stone stair way along Grand River |
File |
October 18, 1979 |
79-815 |
Fergus police building, exterior |
File |
December 12, 1979 |
79-818 |
Ferguson, William, election night |
File |
February 5, 1979 |
79-819 |
Fields, Gord, CJOY studios in Guelph |
File |
April 27, 1979 |
79-821 |
Figure skating, at Albert McCormick Arena rink |
File |
February 21, 1979 |
79-825 |
Fink, Brad and snow fort |
File |
January 11, 1979 |
79-829 |
Fire, Westmount Road, house |
File |
January 21, 1979 |
79-834 |
Fire, Cambridge, ACLO compounders |
File |
November 9, 1979 |
79-839 |
Fire, DK Construction, 200 Webster Street |
File |
November 4, 1979 |
79-842 |
Fire, Fergus business block |
File |
March 9, 1979 |
79-845 |
Fire, Jamiesons, downtown Kitchener |
File |
April 23, 1979 |
79-852 |
Fire, Luella Street mansion, old Breithaupt estate |
File |
July 26, 1979 |
79-860 |
Fire, Regina Street Waterloo, kids rescued |
File |
May 5, 1979 |
79-879 |
First Christian Reformed Church, Vietnamese refugees |
File |
October 12, 1979 |
79-881 |
Fish, Gordon, election victory |
File |
May 22, 1979 |
79-882 |
Fisher, Harold, retiring shoemaker, Finance |
File |
February 18, 1979 |
79-886 |
Fitness test, Van Nierop, Stone Road Mall |
File |
November 17, 1979 |
79-892 |
Flower feature |
File |
[May 1979?] |
79-896 |
Focus, Chalaux, Michel, exchange at City Hall |
File |
November 6, 1979 |
79-899 |
Forest Heights Collegiate, Anne of Green Gables |
File |
February 24, 1979 |
79-921 |
Galt Collegiate Institute, Cambridge, play... Cinderella |
File |
February 8, 1979 |
79-935 |
Gasoline tanker truck, being emptied at a gas station |
File |
December 14, 1979 |
79-937 |
Geese preparing to head south |
File |
September 10, 1979 |
79-939 |
Gerriets, Steven, local artist burned out |
File |
April 10, 1979 |
79-943 |
Gies, Kandy with rocket found in back yard |
File |
October 22, 1979 |
79-945 |
Girard, Joe, no. 1 salesman |
File |
September 17, 1979 |
79-947 |
Girl Guides present award of merit |
File |
April 6, 1979 |
79-948 |
Glassblower |
File |
December 20, 1979 |
79-951 |
Goderich, Ben Miller Inn |
File |
August 21, 1979 |
79-954 |
Goderich, The Rapid, Coast Guard boat |
File |
August 21, 1979 |
79-965 |
Goodman, Keith, KW Symphony, harpist |
File |
October 12, 1979 |
79-968 |
Gramaphone display, Alfred Brenner, Doon Pioneer Village |
File |
September 29, 1979 |
79-970 |
Grand River members win All Star Band positions |
File |
March 13, 1979 |
79-971 |
Grand River Cable, teletext demonstration |
File |
February 5, 1979 |
79-973 |
Grand River Collegiate Institute musical, Cinderella |
File |
May 9, 1979 |