1978 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
78-1614 Playgrounds at Victoria and Waterloo parks File August 11, 1978
78-1628 Police, murder, 10c Overlea Drive in Kitchener, police entering town house File December 14, 1978
78-1631 Police Rec Center, visiting Edinburgh pipers File October 29, 1978
78-1636 Police warehouse, with found bikes File April 08, 1978
78-1641 Popowych, Maria and reunion with brother File October 06, 1978
78-1650 Postal wildcat strike, Ardelt station File March 02, 1978
78-1651 Potter/Doon, Michael Collins, Saltsprings File August 26, 1978
78-1656 Preston High School, fun day, Cambridge File September 15, 1978
78-1657 Preston High School, Cambridge, annual comp color houses File May 03, 1978
78-1663 Preston Scout House Band File June 14, 1978
78-1666 Pride, Charlie at Kitchener Memorial Auditorium File April 16, 1978
78-1671 Proudfoot, Burns and Jane, fight against college nursing course File May 25, 1978
78-1672 Psutka, Frank and portrait of the General File April 03, 1978
78-1673 PULSE, Santa Claus feasts File December 10, 1978
78-1676 PULSE cover, portrait File March 16, 1978
78-1677 PULSE, Pierre's steakhouse in Waterloo File October 01, 1978
78-1678 Pumpkin File October 19, 1978
78-1692 Quilts File April 20, 1978?
78-1696 Rainy day, shoppers, on King Street File June 15, 1978
78-1704 Record, Kay Frickey, birthday party File August 25, 1978
78-1706 Record, newspaper in classroom promotion, Marion Macmahon? File December 01, 1978
78-1708 Record, children's Christmas party File December 03, 1978
78-1711 Record employee centennial #3 File January ?, 1978
78-1713 Record employee centennial head and shoulders #5 File January ?, 1978
78-1717 Record employee centennial head and shoulders #9 File January ?, 1978
78-1727 Record employee centennial head and shoulders #20 File February ?, 1978
78-1733 Record billboard File April 28, 1978
78-1756 Record Staff and department heads File January 20, 1978
78-1765 Regional road 31, garbage in ditch File April 15, 1978
78-1776 Religion, Ukrainian high mass at Victoria Street Ukrainian Church File December 31, 1978
78-1778 Remembrance Day, War art at Stratford Gallery File November 10, 1978
78-1783 Rink in the Park official opening File December 26, 1978
78-1791 Robo gas bar... out of business File March 01, 1978
78-1798 Rockway gardens, man cleaning fountains File July 21, 1978
78-1803 Rockwood conservation area File June 03, 1978
78-1810 Rotary center handisport at St. Marks Church File April 11, 1978
78-1815 Roussel, Brenda, mother of the year File April 26, 1978
78-1818 Rozell, Morris, Christian businessmen's association File September 06, 1978
78-1824 Rundles restaurant in Stratford, gourmet course File March 28, 1978
78-1826 Ryerson public school Preston, Cambridge File February 13, 1978
78-1830 Sadawatsky, Rodney, president of religous freedom group File November 15, 1978
78-1835 Salvation army Christmas toy drive File December 13, 1978
78-1836 Sandowne school, playday File June 17, 1978
78-1840 Santa Claus at Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital File December 11, 1978
78-1848 Sauve, Jeanne opening Grand River Cable TV new quarters File May 17, 1978
78-1852 Schlee, Lillian with Margaret Avenue school band File April 28, 1978
78-1854 Schmidt, Dennis, shoe shine shop File June 08, 1978
78-1855 Schneiders, J.M., fat measuring machine File September 26, 1978
78-1866 Schultz triplets start school File September 09, 1978
78-3312 Monette, Roger, Royal Trust Real Estate File February 13, 1978
78-3316 Morgenrath, Janice, ladies golf winner File June 27, 1978
78-3319 Morrow, Jim, Imperial Oil advertisement File April 27, 1978
78-3322 Moskal, Ed, NDP File February 24, 1978
78-3328 Muggeridge, Malcolm File October 11, 1978
78-3331 Murray, Chris, high school File January 18, 1978
78-3335 Mustakas, Chris, Feder Real Estate File April 27, 1978
78-3338 Nathan, Leonard File November 20, 1978
78-3349 Orchard, John File October 17, 1978
78-3350 Ordiway, John, Gary Dines Real Estate File April 10, 1978
78-3351 Ordiway, John, Gary Dines Real Estate File April 18, 1978
78-3352 Orrell, Hilary, Northfield File August 09, 1978
78-3361 Parker, Murray, general manager Waterloo County Supplies Co-op File April 05, 1978
78-3370 Pecak, Tad, Polish Legion Branch President File May 31, 1978
78-3371 Peel, Paul, Schlueter File September 26, 1978
78-3374 Pequenat, Buller File July 03, 1978
78-3379 Philip, Mr. and Mrs. 70th anniversary File July 04, 1978
78-3381 Pike, Lou File May 31, 1978
78-3384 Plust, Frank, Wiebe Real Estate File May 12, 1978
78-3385 Polgar, Robert, Bluevale president File April 20, 1978
78-3388 Porteous, Bob, passport File March 15, 1978
78-3392 Price, Pat, Sears travel service File December 19, 1978
78-3395 Pym, John, Hiway Market File August 28, 1978
78-3396 Rabethge, Lourie, high school File January 18, 1978
78-3397 Ramseyer, Don, Shriner File April 06, 1978
78-3400 Randhcuva or Randhawa, Dattar, Kaye Ford File March 09, 1978
78-3412 Reilly, Bob, assistant crown attorney File October 18, 1978
78-3415 Reynolds, Peggy, Record Staff File April 10, 1978
78-3416 Rhodes, Edward File March 09, 1978
78-3423 Riddell, Mary, Power Squadron commander File April 11, 1978
78-3431 Rocke, Steve, president, Key Club File March 08, 1978
78-3438 Ruby, Phillip, advertisement Imperial Oil File April 27, 1978
78-3446 Sadowsky, Kasimir, Feder Real Estate File April 25, 1978
78-3452b Saunders, Nancy File January 1978
78-3455 Scandrett, Bruce File October 13, 1978
78-3456 Scarrow, Ruth, Olsen Real Estate File May 09, 1978
78-3458 Schack, Mr. and Mrs. William, 60th anniversary File May 10, 1978
78-3461 Schelling, Marie, Manor House File April 04, 1978
78-3463 Schlueter, Gary File August 17, 1978
78-3467 Schmidt, Grace File March 15, 1978
78-3470 Schnarr, Gerald, Royal Trust File June 25, 1978
78-3473 School daze, WCI, Waterloo Collegiate Institute, Andy Aziz and Doug Hemphill File May 02, 1978
78-3481 Shaddick, Gwen, Manor House File October 25, 1978
78-3489 Sherrington, Walter, Shriner File April 04, 1978
78-3492 Shields, Ellen File February 22, 1978
78-3493 Sidiropoulos, Rose, Adelaide Hair Salon File July 10, 1978
78-3497 Sittler, Doris, Dominion File October 04, 1978
78-3502 Skrypnyk, John File March 27, 1978
78-3509 Smith, Rochell File June 23, 1978
78-3511 Snider, Dave, Kirby Interior File December 29, 1978
78-3520 Spencer, Paul, Olsen Real Estate File March 16, 1978
Results 3301 to 3400 of 3683