1978 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
78-5099 Box 17b18a Commercial Cluthe Sales, Waterloo, 2 photos of screwdriver sets, [per] Mr Bob Brown, Jan. 18, 1978. File January 18, 1978
78-5132 Box 27a Commercial P.S.B. Speakers, speakers group of 4 on black, plus plant, front of one, Feb. 14, 1978. File February 14, 1978
78-5134 Box 27a Commercial P.S.B. Speakers, speakers group of 4 on white [plus] plant, Feb. 14, 1978. File February 14, 1978
78-5143 Box 8a Commercial Aljon Print Craft, 108 Birch St., Kitchener, Ont. : 3 b&w photo, Waterloo Music. File [February 1978]
78-5150B Box 38b Commercial Mutual Life Assurance, Annual Meeting film, Feb 22, 1978 File February 22, 1978
78-5155C Box 9c Commercial Hentschels : grandfather clock, b&w ; colour negative, colour transparency, H100, Feb. 24, 1978. File February 24, 1978
78-5156A Box 9c Commercial Hentschels : model #2101, H101, Feb. 24, 1978. File February 24, 1978
78-5157A Box 9c Commercial Colonial Times Clocks, 550 Parkside Dr., Waterloo, Sam Hall : model H102, also under Hentschels. File [1978]
78-5158 Box 13a Commercial Hentschel's, #2, 3030, Feb, 1978 File February 1978
78-5160 Box 9c Commercial Hentschels, Glen Gary : Model #3032, mahogany. File [1978]
78-5162 Box 13a Commercial Hentschel's, #3052 File [1978]
78-5163 Box 13a Commercial Hentschel's, Wycliffe, #3080 File [1978]
78-5165 Box 13a Commercial Hentschel's, model, Park Allen, #4000 File [1978]
78-5171B Box 12b Commercial Harry Felka Wood, 465 Conestoga Road, Waterloo, colour: book shelf at Mrs. Day's Kitchen, #11 in brochure, Ross Staines, Merchants' Printing, Mar. 3, 1978. File March 3, 1978
78-5176 Box 14c Commercial Reeve Bean, 505 Dutton Dr., Waterloo, P.O. #6315, 2 b&w copy photos, slides, reverse print, [per] Jim Manley File [1978?]
78-5177 Box 19b Commercial Butler Dalton Insurance, [portrait of] Mr. Peter F. Struewing, 501 Krug St. Kitchener, Mar. 7, 1978. File March 7, 1978
78-5190 Box 8a Commercial Cluthe Manufacturing, Waterloo : screwdriver set and funnels, #5191, Mar. 17, 1978, Bob Brown. File March 17, 1978
78-5191 Box 17b18a Commercial Cluthe Products, Waterloo, package of set of funnels, Mar. 17, 1978. File March 17, 1978
78-5191A Box 27b28a Commercial Roxton Furniture, Aerials, [per] W De Silva plant manager, 17 Erb St Elmira File [1978]
78-5205 Box 17b18a Commercial Cluthe, Mar. 28, 1978. File March 28, 1978
78-5208 Box 17b18a Commercial Cluthe, Mar. 28, 1978. File March 28, 1978
78-5213 Box 12b Commercial Harry Felka Products, bathroom vanity, colour and b&w ; Mar. 30, 1978. File March 30, 1978
78-5216 Box 12b Commercial Harry Felka Products, bathroom vanity, colour, b&w ; Mar. 30, 1978. File March 30, 1978
78-5229 Box 14c Commercial Reeve Bean Ltd., 505 Dutton Dr., Waterloo, P.O. #6374, b&w copy photo, [per] J. Manley, April 7, 1978 File April 7, 1978
78-5240B Box 12b Commercial Harry Felka, colour copy photo: kitchen cabinets U shape, #7 in brochure, 4x5 original obtained & enclosed, Peter Marreh, 4x5 color transparency enclosed, Felka, Apr. 12, 1978. File April 12, 1978
78-5242B Box 38a Commercial Mutual Life Assurance, Board of Directors in Toronto, Color, April 13, 1978 File April 13, 1978
78-5255 Box 11a Commercial Canadian Millers Mutual Fire Insurance, 1400 Bishop St., Cambridge, Ontario N1R 6W8 : black and white portrait sitting, Mr. Clifford Snider, 402-250 Glenridge Dr., Waterloo, Apr. 18, 1978. File April 18, 1978
78-5264-1 Box 12b Commercial Felka Wood Products, kitchen and desk at Taylor home, Apr. 19, 1978. File April 19, 1978
78-5265-1 Box 12b Commercial Harry Felka Wood Products, kitchen cupboards details, corner cupboard, #16 in brochure, Apr. 17, 1978. File April 17, 1978
78-5276 Box 13b Commercial Corman, Alan, identification photo, 2 poses, Kraft Foods, 135 Graham St., Waterloo, April 22, 1978 File April 22, 1978
78-5280 Box 14b Commercial McGraw-Edison Ltd., 225 Pinebush Rd., Cambridge, b&w ; Climax wringer washer, April 25, 1978. File April 25, 1978
78-5286 Box 38a Commercial Mutual Life Assurance Co., 227 King St. S., Waterloo, Carl Wahl, C. H. Blumenauer, Director of Company, J. T. Black, sepia File 1978
78-5289 Box 27a Commercial P.S.B. speakers, speakers of Alfa, Box 144, Spring St., St. Jacobs ,Ontario, April 28, 1978. File April 28, 1978
78-5292 Box 27a Commercial P.S.B. speakers, 1 speaker Beta II, face on white, April 28, 1978. File April 28, 1978
78-5294 Box 27a Commercial P.S.B. speakers, 2 speakers on white, April 28, 1978. File April 28, 1978
78-5301 Box 14b Commercial McGraw-Edison, washer and dryer on white, May 2, 1978. File May 2, 1978
78-5316 Box 6b Commercial Nickel, Jim, black and white portrait, Forbes Motors Ltd., 165 Weber St, South, Waterloo, May 17, 1978 File May 17, 1978
78-5325 Box 12a Commercial Erbsville Go Cart, Ed Nafziger, Erbsville, Ontario, colour aerial of track, number 2 photo, negative number 6 for postcards, May 27, 1978. File May 27, 1978
78-5339-11 Box 15a Commercial Ron Schultz Advertising, June 7, 1978. File June 7, 1978
78-5339-21 Box 15a Commercial Ron Schultz Advertising, June 7, 1978. File June 7, 1978
78-5339-6 Box 15a Commercial Ron Schultz Advertising, June 7, 1978. File June 7, 1978
78-5339-7 Box 15a Commercial Ron Schultz Advertising, June 7, 1978. File June 7, 1978
78-5361 Box 27b28a Commercial Ritz Electronics, 196 Queen St. North, Ed Ritz, New Dundee, B/W of card holder, June 21, 1978 File June 21, 1978
78-5365 Box 13c Commercial Krug Furniture, 113 Ahrens Street, Kitchener, b&w ; light wood captain's chair, padded, [per] Mr. Herb Wattie, June 21, 1978 File June 21, 1978
78-5411 Box 17b18a Commercial Cluthe Sales Ltd, 585 Dutton Drive, Waterloo, drill chuck, key holder, Aug. 30, 1978. File August 30, 1978
78-5416 Box 15c Commercial Weston Bakery, Aug 30, 1978. File August 30, 1978
78-5417 Box 15c Commercial Weston Bakery, replaced by #5444, minus we drive safely, Aug 30, 1978. File August 30, 1978
78-5419 Box 15c Commercial Weston Bakery, Aug 30, 1978. File August 30, 1978
78-5430 Box 10b Commercial Belgium Standard : truck, Sept. 6, 1978. File September 6, 1978
78-5437 Box 14b Commercial McGraw-Edison, tub with agitator, Sept 8, 1978. File September 8, 1978
78-5452 Box 27b28a Commercial Ritz Electronics, Relco Power Supply Pack 4 amp supply, Sept 12, 1978 File September 12, 1978
78-5452A Box 17b18a Commercial Cluthe Sales Ltd, 585 Dutton Dr., Waterloo, b&w of 2 units, screwdriver and chain saw file handle, Sept. 15, 1978. File September 15, 1978
78-5454A Box 10b Commercial Belgium Standard, Waterloo, Ed Tschirhart : grain truck trailer, Sept. 15, 1978. File September 15, 1978
78-5455A Box 10b Commercial Belgium Standard, Sept. 15, 1978. File September 15, 1978
78-5457 Box 14B Commercial McGraw-Edison Ltd., 2 poses 2x3gl, b+w, G. Forth (Gunther), RR2 Puslinch, Ont--residence, Sept 12, 1978. File September 12, 1978
78-5474 Box 15c Commercial Weston Bakeries, Kitchener, colour of truck, Sept 29, 1978. File September 29, 1978
78-5478 Box 18b19a Commercial Dupar Canada Ltd, [per] Mr Burrows, 42 Kevco Place, Kitchener, Oct. 6, 1978. File October 6, 1978
78-5479 Box 18b19a Commercial Dupar Canada Ltd., Oct. 6, 1978. File October 6, 1978
78-5482 Box 18b19a Commercial Dupar Canada Ltd., Oct. 6, 1978. File October 6, 1978
78-5488 Box 18b19a Commercial Dupar Canada Ltd., colour of close up, L. Capko, Oct. 6, 1978. File October 6, 1978
78-5544 Box 6b Commercial Brueckman, Rick, portrait, Forbes Motors, Nov 1, 1978 File November 1, 1978
78-5546 Box 6b Commercial Hatch, Rick, portrait, Forbes Motors, Nov 1, 1978 File November 1, 1978
78-5557 Box 8a Commercial Angelstone Ltd., SP22- Golden Wheat, negative 8-9, Nov. 9, 1978. File November 9, 1978
78-5558 Box 8a Commercial Angelstone Ltd., Nov. 9, 1978. File November 9, 1978
78-5565 Box 12b Commercial Harry Felka Products, 465 Conestoga Road, Waterloo, colour of kitchen group, Conestoga, Nov. 13, 1978. File November 13, 1978
78-5579 Box 27b28a Commercial Mr. Morgan Strasburger, Color portait, B/W glossy printed for business, Nov 5, 1978 File November 25, 1978
78-5585 Box 8a Commercial Apex Metals Ltd., Nov. 27, 1978 : b&w metals. File November 27, 1978
78-5586 Box 8a Commercial Apex Metals Ltd. : b&w metals, Nov. 27, 1978. File November 27, 1978
78-5587 Box 8a Commercial Apex Metals Ltd. : b&w metals, Nov. 27, 1978. File November 27, 1978
78-5591 Box 8a Commercial Apex Metals Ltd. : b&w metals, Mr. Stu MacLean, Nov. 27, 1978. File November 27, 1978
78-6623 Box 17b18a Commercial Cluthe, funnel, Dec. 23, 1978. File December 23, 1978
78-5106 Box 14c Commercial Reeve Bean, 505 Dutton Drive, Waterloo, metal box, [per] J. Manley, P.O. box #6435, Jan 30, 1978 File January 30, 1978
78-5111 Box 8b Commercial Baetz Furniture, 264 Victoria N., Kitchener, Ian Douglas : model #901, secretaire mahogany, Feb. 4, 1978. File February 4, 1978
78-5112 Box 8b Commercial Baetz Furniture, 264 Victoria N., Kitchener, Ian Douglas : model 910, desk mahogany, Feb. 4, 1978. File February 4, 1978
78-5113 Box 10c Commercial Butler Dalton Insurance, Krug St., Kitchener : Mr. Stewart Siegmillar, Feb. 7, 1978. File February 7, 1978
78-5117 Box 8a Commercial Aljon Print Craft, 108 Birch St., Kitchener, John Guse : 2 b&w ; Waterloo Music, small items, set ups on dark velvet, Feb. 8, 1978. File February 8, 1978
78-5118 Box 14b Commercial McGraw-Edison, b&w Simplicity panel, washer, Feb 9, 1978. File February 9, 1978
78-5122 Box 6b Commercial Brunn, Robert, black and white portrait, Forbes Motors Ltd., 165 Weber St. S, Waterloo, Feb 10, 1978 File February 10, 1978
78-5123 Box 6b Commercial Gies, Ken, black and white portrait, [per] Russell Forbes, Forbes Motors Ltd., 165 Weber St. S, Waterloo, Feb 10, 1978 File February 10, 1978
78-5131 Box 27a Commercial P.S.B. Speakers, speakers group of 4 on black, plus plant, Feb. 14, 1978. File February 14, 1978
78-5133 Box 27a Commercial P.S.B. Speakers, speakers group of 4 on black, Feb. 14, 1978. File February 14, 1978
78-5136 Box 27a Commercial P.S.B. Speakers, speakers group of 4 on white, Feb. 14, 1978. File February 14, 1978
78-5142 Box 14c Commercial Reeve Bean Ltd., 505 Dutton Dr., Waterloo, P.O. #6308, 3 colour photos, Feb 17, 1978 File February 17, 1978
78-5146 Box 8b Commercial Royal Bank of Canada, corner of King and University, Waterloo : 4x6 matte, double weight, 2 copies frame, Mr. Fred Stoett, Feb. 17, 1978. File February 17, 1978
78-5151 Box 27b28a Commercial Ritz Electronics, Part # FP 156, 196 Queen St. North, New Dundee, Ont., Ed Ritz, Feb 23, 1978 File February 23, 1978
78-5164 Box 13a Commercial Hentschel's, #3082 File [1978]
78-5169 Box 14b Commercial Oliver, Ted, b&w portrait, controller, McGraw-Edison, 225 Pinebush Rd., Galt, Ontario, March 2, 1978. File March 2, 1978
78-5182 Box 10c Commercial Butler - Dalton Insurance, 501 Krug St., Kitchener, Ontario : Richard H. Johnson, Toronto service manager, Mar. 8, 1978. File March 8, 1978
78-5207 Box 17b18a Commercial Cluthe, Mar. 28, 1978. File March 28, 1978
78-5212 Box 12b Commercial Harry Felka Wood Products, 465 Conestoga Road, Waterloo, 6 colour photo graphs, #1 kitchen, #2 photo in brochure, Mar. 30, 1978. File March 30, 1978
78-5222 Box 6b Commercial Forbes, Russell, black and white portrait, Forbes Motors Ltd., 165 Weber St, South, Waterloo, April 4, 1978 File April 4, 1978
78-5231A Box 14a Commercial MacLean-Hunter, Canadian Grocer, 481 University Ave., Toronto, Ont., M5W 1A7, 1-416-595-1811, b&w interior of Knetchtels warehouse and store, Kitchener, Keg staff, [per] Faye Bourgeois, April 10, 1978 File April 10, 1978
78-5231B Box 14a Commercial MacLean-Hunter at Knechtel's Wholesale, Kitchener, Cranston Knechtel, check out girl close, check out girl general view, exterior of trucks, Mr. K[nechtel] and son, [1978] File [1978]
78-5239A Box 12b Commercial Harry Felka Wood Products (Merchants Printing) Haines, b&w copy photo: bar, #13 in brochure, original negative enclosed (Peter Marreh, -4-584 Colby Drive, Waterloo, 4x5 color transparency (Felka), Apr. 12, 1978. File April 12, 1978
78-5239B Box 12b Commercial Harry Felka Wood Products, b&w copy of photo: bar, #14 overlay in brochure, copy color negative enclosed, 4x5 transparency enclosed (Felka), Apr.12, 1978. File April 12, 1978
78-5240E Box 12b Commercial Harry Felka, 4 transparencies for copy photos, Apr. 12, 1978. File April 12, 1978
78-5264-2 Box 12b Commercial Felka Wood Products, desk corner at Taylor home, Apr. 19, 1978. File April 19, 1978
78-5269 Box 8a Commercial Angelstone Ltd., PO Box 3190, Cambridge, Ont., N3H 4S8, Hank Briggs, Apr. 21, 1978. File April 21, 1978
78-5288 Box 14c Commercial Reeve Bean Ltd., 505 Dutton Dr., Waterloo, P.O. #6862, b&w copy of slide, reverse negative, [per] Wolfgang, April 27, 1978 File April 27, 1978
78-5290 Box 27a Commercial P.S.B. speakers, April 28, 1978. File April 28, 1978
Results 1 to 100 of 316