1976 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
76-1652 Rotary Fishing Derby File May 29, 1976
76-1655 Rowell, Marg and Bob, Antiques, Paterson File February 04, 1976
76-1661 Russell, Jamie, University of Waterloo File March 29, 1976
76-1662 Russian Violinist at KW Symphony File February 21, 1976
76-1665 Sadowsky, Nick Broom Manufacturer File February 16, 1976
76-1666 Safe, Professor Steven, University of Guelph File June 02, 1976
76-1669 Salvadori, Antonio File November 11, 1976
76-1674 Sanderson, Don, CKGL FM File February 17, 1976
76-1675 Santa Young, Dirk Juergensen File December 19, 1976
76-1679 Satan's Choice Property Coboconk, Kessel File November 02, 1976
76-1681 Saunders, Albert, Re Fight With Wrecking Yard File June 25, 1976
76-1689 Schneider Creek Widening File February 26, 1976
76-1691 Schroeder, Greb Travelling Blacksmith File July 09, 1976
76-1695 Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. William, 60th Wedding Anniversary File December 27, 1976
76-1696 Schweitzer, Olive, Author File March 03, 1976
76-1697 Scope '76 File June 10, 1976
76-1700 Sheppard School Play Day File June 17, 1976
76-1701 Shrine Circus, Marg. Terol Clown File April 02, 1976
76-1703 Sears Warehouse Sale File January 07, 1976
76-1708 Senior Citizens Art Display File June 17, 1976
76-1714 Schell, Carl File November 19, 1976
76-1716 Sheppard School, Blind Deaf Children Camp File July 19, 1976
76-1718 Shirley K Maternity Shop Fairway File February 14, 1976
76-1721 Siderson, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel, 60th Anniversary File June 09, 1976
76-1724 Silver Star Luncheon Cambridge File May 06, 1976
76-1732 Sir Edgar Bauer School Pioneer Days File April 07, 1976
76-1739 Smith, Dr. Stuart, Liberal Leader Hopeful File January 18, 1976
76-1742 Snider, Jeff, KCI Cooperative Work File February 17, 1976
76-1743 Sniders, Agnes and Child, Guelph File October 01, 1976
76-1748 Society of Animals in Distress, Police File June 29, 1976
76-1750 South Waterloo Hospital Auxiliary President File January 28, 1976
76-1754 Southwood Collegiate Baking Class File March 11, 1976
76-1757 Spencer, Norman Last School Day File June 25, 1976
76-1768 Stanley Park Senior Public School Reading Program File December 22, 1976
76-1770 Starling Sound Truck, Waterloo File June 24, 1976
76-1772 Staryk, Steven, Violinist File August 17, 1976
76-1773 Star Trek Costumes, Newstead Sisters File July 20, 1976
76-1780 St. Aloysius Church Guides File April 25, 1976
76-1784 St. Anne's School, Guatemala Operation File April 14, 1976
76-1786 St. Boniface School, Maryhill Pioneer Days File November 02, 1976
76-1793 St. Jacobs Feature Town File September 29, 1976
76-1803 St. Jeromes Play, Plaza Suite File February 25, 1976
76-1814 St. Lukes Place, Hespeler, Cambridge File February 26, 1976
76-1816 St. Margarets Private School, McGibbon Planting Tree File May 02, 1976
76-1818 St. Marks Lutheran Church, Wellesley Skit File June 21, 1976
76-1824 St. Monica House With Phyllis Goodwins File September 02, 1976
76-1825 St. Patrick School, Maple Syrup Boiling File March 15, 1976
76-1826 St. Patricks School Sharon Gilroy File April 13, 1976
76-1827 Stoermer, Herwith, Bells of Breslau File November 24, 1976
76-1830 Strasburg Road, Apartment Residents Delegation File January 13, 1976
76-1833 Stratford Festival Opening File June 07, 1976
76-1834 Stratford Pork Congress File June 16, 1976
76-1835 Strauss, Harry With Leisure Suit File September 03, 1976
76-1839 Strike, Lear-Siegler Pickets File February 09, 1976
76-1840 Strike, Merchants Rubber, Uniroyal File May 13, 1976
76-1851 Sunnyside School, Student Protest File June 14, 1976
76-1852 Sunrise Mills Health Store File August 27, 1976
76-1858 Swimming Pool Construction, Bruce Street File January 22, 1976
76-1864 Symphony Music Federation of Ontario File September 30, 1976
76-1868 Tama Inn, New Hamburg, Weeds File August 05, 1976
76-1869 Taraleigh Gallery Art File June 21, 1976
76-1876 Theakston, Professor Frank, University of Guelph File December 10, 1976
76-1877 Theater Max, Waterloo Recreation Center File February 10, 1976
76-1888 Totzke, Bob, Bowling File October 14, 1976
76-1897 Train, Ron, Gold Prospector, Finance File October 20, 1976
76-1898 Travel Feature, Desert Shenk File January 27, 1976
76-1899 Tree Planter File August 06, 1976
76-1901 Trilliums In Bloom File April 29, 1976
76-1906 Truck Upset King Street, Shenk File January 12, 1976
76-1907 Tulip Bulb Sale File June 07, 1976
76-1911 Two School Principal File November 02, 1976
76-1912 Uba, Stephen, Cambridge Ward 10 File November 19, 1976
76-1914 University of Guelph College Royal Fashion Show File March 06, 1976
76-1917 University of Guelph Elton John At Concert File March 26, 1976
76-1918 University of Guelph Students Preparing For Bike Trip, Rick Brennan File March 17, 1976
76-1920 University of Guelph, Summer Courses File July 08, 1976
76-1924 University of Waterloo Chevron Dispute File September 30, 1976
76-1936 University of Waterloo Frosh, Garbage Bags File September 09, 1976
76-1939 University of Waterloo Girls in Greenhouse File March 04, 1976
76-1948 University of Waterloo, Kirk DeFazio Working Out File June 02, 1976
76-1957 University of Waterloo, Windmill Models, Kessel File June 25, 1976
76-1960 Duplicate of number 76-1959 File April 13, 1976
76-1961 Ukrainian Easter Eggs, Mrs. Wasyl Sirskyj File March 27, 1976
76-1963 Ukrainian Thanksgiving Festival File September 24, 1976
76-1964 Unruh, Hank, Finance, Golf Putter Pool File November 12, 1976
76-1966 Unicef Artifacts At Southridge School File October 28, 1976
76-1974 University Women's Club Cambridge File April 07, 1976
76-1975 Urstadt, Harry and Reed Organs File February 23, 1976
76-1980 Victoria Park Playground File September 01, 1976
76-1981 Victoria Park Excavation File January 22, 1976
76-1986 Van Veen, Lucas and Tulips File May 21, 1976
76-1989 Velvet Hill Baptist Church Baptism File May 09, 1976
76-1991 Veranda Collapse, Stirling and Pandora File March 04, 1976
76-1996 Victoria Park Excavations File March 16, 1976
76-1999 Viennese Ball File April 30, 1976
76-2001 Vincent's Farm Machinery Robot File September 01, 1976
76-2003 Visser, Bill and Dick Glad Florists File August 24, 1976
76-2006 Wagner, Harold and Robert Aldermen File March 03, 1976
76-2009 Ward, Sheila, YWCA Director File May 31, 1976
76-2012 Waterloo Collegiate Institute, Mayor and Deputy Mayor File April 13, 1976
Results 1 to 100 of 3519