Level of description
Digital object |
75-1802 Box 37b Commercial |
Reeve Bean, 505 Dutton Drive, Waterloo, B/W slides, Jan 13, 1975 |
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January 13, 1975 |
75-1803 Box 12b Commercial |
Fristamat Ltd., Box 77, Petersburg, 2-b&w copy photos, Jan. 13, 1975. |
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January 13, 1975 |
75-1807 Box 9b Commercial |
Cambridge Graphics : orange lawn chair, Jan. 14, 1975. |
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January 14, 1975 |
75-1809B Box 9b Commercial |
Cambridge Graphics, 312-21 Pioneer Dr., Kitchener, Paul Sushyeki, 578-8139 : colour photographs, 4x5 transparencies, 3 lawn chairs separately, Jan. 14, 1975. |
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January 14, 1975 |
75-1816 Box 38a Commercial |
Mutual Life Assurance Co., 305 King St. N., Kitchener, Don Ayers, B/W, John A Bates, Jan 16, 1975 |
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January 16, 1975 |
75-1834 Box 37b Commercial |
Reeve Bean, Jim Manley, B/W - Hahn key case stand, Jan 24, 1975 |
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January 24, 1975 |
75-1835 Box 37b Commercial |
Reeve Bean Ltd., Jim Manley, Color photo key case, Jan 24, 1975 |
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January 24, 1975 |
75-1886B Box 13a Commercial |
Hentschel's, 500 Weber N., b&w grandfather clock, glass side panel, [per] Mr. Douglas, Feb 12, 1975 |
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February 12, 1975 |
75-1888 Box 9b Commercial |
Cambridge Graphics, 312-21 Pioneer Dr., Kitchener : colour, lawn chair, red, Feb. 12, 1975. |
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February 12, 1975 |
75-1904 Box 8b Commercial |
Royal Bank of Canada, Ottawa and Elmsdale, Kitchener, Ont., 104 Elmsdale Dr. : b&w ; 2 copies, 4x6 matte, (3/4) face, Miss Janet Feaver, Feb. 20, 1975. |
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February 20, 1975 |
75-1907 Box 15a Commercial |
Simmons, A. Kenneth, portrait, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance, Waterloo Square, 75 King S., Waterloo, 2nd floor, Feb 20, 1975. |
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February 20, 1975 |
75-1912 Box 9b Commercial |
Budd Automotive Co., Homer Watson Blvd., Kitchener, G. Silcox : copy photo to 35mm, 8x11 page, Feb. 24, 1975. |
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February 24, 1975 |
75-1930 Box 11b Commercial |
Conestoga Carpets, Gary Ludwig : black and white and colour, carpet with lamp, Mar. 3, 1975. |
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March 3, 1975 |
75-1943 Box 9b Commercial |
Cambridge Graphics, 312 Pioneer Dr., Kitchener, 578-8139 : b&w ; lawn chair, Mar. 10, 1975. |
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March 10, 1975 |
75-1944 Box 9b Commercial |
Cambridge Graphics : b&w ; lawn chair, Mar. 10, 1975. |
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March 10, 1975 |
75-1945 Box 9b Commercial |
Cambridge Graphics : b&w ; lawn chair, Mar. 10, 1975. |
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March 10, 1975 |
75-1946 Box 9b Commercial |
Cambridge Graphics : b&w ; lawn chair, Mar. 10, 1975. |
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March 10, 1975 |
75-1949 Box 8a Commercial |
B&S Services, 743-1201, Mr. Plouffe, 743-4358 : colour, Budd vending machine, Mar. 13, 1975. |
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March 13, 1975 |
75-1957A Box 13a Commercial |
Hentschel's, colour, grandfather clock, March 21, 1975 |
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March 21, 1975 |
75-1970A Box 13a Commercial |
Hentschel's, 500 Weber St. North, Waterloo, colour and b&w grandmother clock, model #1000, [per] John Mueck, March 27, 1975 |
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March 27, 1975 |
75-1971 Box 25b26 Commercial |
McGibbon, Harper & Haney, colour photo of facial scars, Mrs. Moser, Mar. 29, 1975. |
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March 29, 1975 |
75-1992 Box 25b26 Commercial |
McGibbon, Harper & Haney, 4 colour photo, Waterloo, April 11, 1975. |
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April 11, 1975 |
75-1998 Box 10c Commercial |
Butler - Dalton Insurance Co., 501 Krug St., Kitchener : Mrs. Tonner, Apr. 15, 1975. |
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April 15, 1975 |
75-2018 Box 10c Commercial |
C.I.L. Paints, 130 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ontario, John Martin, 1300 Castlefield Ave., Toronto : colour photo [of] beautytone birch, Home Hardware, Bingeman Park Show, Apr. 24, 1975. |
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April 24, 1975 |
75-2021 Box 6b Commercial |
Forbes Motors, colour copy, Astre car, May 1, 1975 |
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May 1, 1975 |
75-2029 Box 12a Commercial |
Equitable Life, 1 Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo, b&w portrait 5x7 glossy, Mr. Bryan Melick, May 5, 1975. |
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May 5, 1975 |
75-2040 Box 28b29a Commercial |
Superior Sanitation, Kitchener, Brenda Pendle, B/W, May 9, 1975 |
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May 9, 1975 |
75-3015 Box 29b30a Commercial |
Thorne Riddell and Co., 305 King St. N., Kitchener, B/W, G.A. Hooper, June 25, 1975 |
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June 25, 1975 |
75-3025 Box 13b Commercial |
Killean Fields, Lakeview Farm, colour photo, horse at Wellesley, RR2, Fred and Dianne Lesenko, 656-2853, [per] J. G. Clark, July 3, 1975 |
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July 3, 1975 |
75-3030 Box 37b Commercial |
Reeve Bean, 505 Dutton Drive, Waterloo, J. Manley, B/W of Colonial Cookies format, July 4, 1975 |
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July 4, 1975 |
75-3035 Box 8b Commercial |
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, 27 King St. N., Waterloo : 2 poses, b&w ; 3x5 glossy, Mr. Donald Potvin, Jul. 8, 1975. |
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July 8, 1975 |
75-3036 Box 11b Commercial |
Central Ontario T.V., King St. W., Kitchener, Don Wilcox : black and white sitting, Cathie Sackville, July 9, 1975. |
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July 9, 1975 |
75-3040 Box 27a Commercial |
Quality Welding, 28 Victoria St. N., Kitchener, (Husky Trailer), snow on mobil trailer, Otaco Industries Ltd., West St. S. Orillia, Bill Simpson, July 10, 1975. |
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July 10, 1975 |
75-3044 Box 10c Commercial |
Butler - Dalton, 501 Krug St., Kitchener : Ted Janke, July 15, 1975. |
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July 15, 1975 |
75-3049 Box 8a Commercial |
American Hotel, Queen N., Kitchener : 2 colour photo of bar, Jul. 17, 1975. |
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July 17, 1975 |
75-3052 Box 37b Commercial |
Reeve Bean, Baby car seat, Andrea Knowles - 3 months, July 17, 1975 |
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July 17, 1975 |
75-3057 Box 14b Commercial Extra Storage |
Smith, W. A., b&w portrait, Hydro Region Chairman, Steering Committee Restructuring Municipal Utilities, Ontario Hydro, 5760 Yonge St., Willowdale, July 18, 1975. |
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July 18, 1975 |
75-3073 Box 12c Commercial |
Gibson Greeting Cards Co., colour photo, card cabinets along wall, July 23, 1975. |
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July 23, 1975 |
75-3074 Box 12c Commercial |
Gibson Greeting Cards Co., general view from upstairs, Schendels card section, July 23, 1975. |
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July 23, 1975 |
75-3083 Box 12a Commercial |
Equitable Life Insurance, 1 Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo, 2 poses 5x7, b&w glossy, Mr. Glen Wright, July 29, 1975. |
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July 29, 1975 |
75-3088 Box 5e Commercial |
Haye, E. W. (Bud), portrait, c/o Walter Fedy, McCargar and Hachborn Ltd., 2 poses, 367 Green Acres, Waterloo, July 29, 1975 |
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July 29, 1975 |
75-3101 Box 11a Commercial |
Canadian Blower and Forge : bench drill, Aug. 21, 1975. |
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August 21, 1975 |
75-3123 Box 31b32a Commercial |
Wiebe Realty Ltd., 50 Westmount Rd. North, Waterloo, Mrs. Janine Melloul, Passport photo, Sept 5, 1975 |
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September 5, 1975 |
75-3151 Box 17b18a Commercial |
Cluthe Sales, [per] Doug Ireland, Uni Driver, Sept. 23, 1975. |
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September 23, 1975 |
75-3156 Box 14b Commercial |
Sutherland, Tom, b&w portrait, McGraw-Edison, 225 Pinebush Rd., Cambridge, Galt, Ont., Sept 24, 1975. |
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September 24, 1975 |
75-3177 Box 13b Commercial |
Killean Fields, far barn and 'hot walker' layout, Oct 3, 1975 |
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October 3, 1975 |
75-3178 Box 13b Commercial |
Killean Fields, second view, far barn and 'hot walk' from main barn, [per] J. Grant Clark, Oct 3, 1975 |
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October 3, 1975 |
75-3186 Box 10c Commercial |
Construction Specialties, Mississauga, Ontario, Mr. Gordon Stewart : 2 colour photos [of] Kitchener transit building. |
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[1975] |
75-3198 Box 8a Commercial |
B.P. Canada, 240 Duncan Mill Rd., Don Mills, Ont., M3B 3B2, G.J. Steers, manager : b&w photos, retirement, luncheon, Benito's, Kitchener, Oct. 15, 1975. |
File |
October 15, 1975 |
75-3217 Box 38a Commercial |
Mutual Life Assurance Co., 227 King St. S., Waterloo, Mrs. Jacques, B/W - Group of 15, Office supervisors training seminar head office - 1975, Oct 28, 1975 |
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October 28, 1975 |
75-3223 Box 12a Commercial |
Electro Porcelain Co., 173 Roger St., Waterloo, Mr. Rustopold : black and white exterior of factory, Oct. 30, 1975. |
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October 30, 1975 |
75-3240 Box 8a Commercial |
Cluthe Sales, 141 Weber St. S., Waterloo : b&w photos, funnels, filters, etc., Nov. 8, 1975. |
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November 8, 1975 |
75-3242 Box 8a Commercial |
Cluthe Sales : file handles, Nov. 8, 1975. |
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November 8, 1975 |
75-3253 Box 13a Commercial |
Hentschel's, Waterloo, b&w Philharmonic Choir at Laurel Vocational School, c/o Ron Schultz, 115 Main, Hamilton, Suite 1402, Nov 17, 1975 |
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November 17, 1975 |
75-3254 Box 10a Commercial |
Belgium Standard, 35 University W, Waterloo, Ed Tscherhart : garbage packer, Nov. 18, 1975. |
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November 18, 1975 |
75-3256 Box 10a Commercial |
Belgium Standard : garbage packer, [Nov 18, 1975]. |
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[November 18, 1975] |
75-3257B Box 10a Commercial |
Belgium Standard, 35 University Ave. E, Waterloo : color dump truck, Nov. 20, 1975. |
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November 20, 1975 |
75-3259B Box 10a Commercial |
Belgium Standard : dump truck, Nov. 20, 1975. |
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November 20, 1975 |
75-3260B Box 10a Commercial |
Belgium Standard, 35 University E, Waterloo, Ed Tscherhart : dump truck, Nov. 20, 1975. |
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November 20, 1975 |
75-3271 Box 13a Commercial |
Hentschel's, Waterloo b&w copy photo, model #3000, Nov 25, 1975 |
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November 25, 1975 |
75-3272A Box 13a Commercial |
Hentschel's, b&w copy photo, model #3050, Nov 25, 1975 |
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November 25, 1975 |
75-3272B Box 13a Commercial |
Hentschel's, Waterloo, b&w copy photo, model #3051, Nov 25, 1975 |
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November 25, 1975 |
75-3284 Box 20b21a Commercial |
Granite Club, 39 Agnes St Kitchener, portrait, Dr Garry J. Howatson, President, office 124 Weber St N Waterloo, Dec. 3, 1975. |
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December 3, 1975 |
75-3285 Box 8a Commercial |
Astron Specialties, 30 Durwood Place, Waterloo : b&w of equipment, 20x8, 8x10 glossy plus negative required, Dec. 3, 1975. |
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December 3, 1975 |
75-3293 Box 14c Commercial |
Pigott Structures, Dec 5, 1975 |
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December 5, 1975 |
75-3304 Box 13b Commercial |
Killean Fields, Puslinch, Ontario, second b&w horse, Dec 12, 1975 |
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December 12, 1975 |
75-3807 Box 38a Commercial |
Mutual Life Assurance Co., 227 King St. S., Waterloo, B/W, Mr. Chuck Steven, Dec 17, 1975 |
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December 17, 1975 |
75-3814 Box 12a Commercial |
Equitable Life Insurance, 1 Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo b&w photo, 2 poses 5x7 glossy, Mr. Harold McAdam, Dec. 24, 1975. |
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December 24, 1975 |
75-1808 Box 9b Commercial |
Cambridge Graphics : green lawn chair, colour slides, Jan. 14, 1975. |
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January 14, 1975 |
75-1812 Box 36c Commercial |
Raytheon, Minister of tourism, 1 B/W photo, c/o John McAllister, Jan 16, 1975 |
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January 16, 1975 |
75-1814 Box 37b Commercial |
Reeve Bean, 505 Dutton Drive, Waterloo, Wolfe Lebek, B/W copy slide- canoe, Jan 16, 1975 |
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January 16, 1975 |
75-1824 Box 38a Commercial |
Mutual Life Assurance Co., 227 King St. S., Waterloo, B/W, Miss Carla Bindernagel, Jan 20, 1975 |
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January 20, 1975 |
75-1831 Box 5e Commercial |
Walter Fedy, McCargar and Hachborn Ltd., black and white copy of J. M. Schneider building sketch, [per] Henry Krause, Jan 23, 1975 |
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January 23, 1975 |
75-1869 Box 13b Commercial |
Jacmorr Manucacturing Co. Ltd., 70 Otonabee Dr., Kitchener, 2 color photos, display, Feb 5, 1975 |
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February 5, 1975 |
75-1887A Box 13a Commercial |
Hentschel's, colour grandfather clock, model #3055, Feb 12, 1975 |
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February 12, 1975 |
75-1887B Box 13a Commercial |
Hentschel's, 500 Weber, Waterloo, b&w grandfather clock, model #3055, [per] Mr. Douglas, Feb 12, 1975 |
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February 12, 1975 |
75-1891 Box 11b Commercial |
Central Ontario, T.V. : Joan Czurloch, Feb. 13, 1975. |
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February 13, 1975 |
75-1898 Box 10b Commercial |
Bestpipe Ltd. : Mr. Ted Killingsworth, Feb. 17, 1975. |
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February 17, 1975 |
75-1921 Box 22b23a Commercial |
Kellogg Salada Can. Ltd., Toronto Division, Mr. Victor Brodeur, [portrait], 129 Dalegrove Drive. Kitchener, Feb. 25, 1975. |
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February 25, 1975 |
75-1940 Box 15a Commercial |
Crawford, Jack, b&w potrtait, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Grand River Valley, chapter #81, 18 James Street, March 8, 1975. |
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March 8, 1975 |
75-1978 Box 15a Commercial |
Peter A. Uffelman, Insurance Adjuster, 50 Westmount Rd. N., suite 207, Waterloo, colour photos, house fire damage, April 4, 1975. |
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April 4, 1975 |
75-1986 Box 15a Commercial |
Peter Uffelman, Insurance Adjuster, colour photograph, fire place damage, April 9, 1975. |
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April 9, 1975 |
75-1988 Box 37b Commercial |
Reeve Bean Ltd., Dave Reeve, B/W, Brake lining assortment, April 10, 1975 |
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April 10, 1975 |
75-1999 Box 28b29a Commercial |
Roberts Electric, 83 Edwin St. Kitchener, B/W photo, Mr. Olender, Apr 17, 1975 |
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April 17, 1975 |
75-2037 Box 31b32a Commercial |
Waterloo Motor Inn, Reeve Bean, Color, Ballroom, May 8, 1975 |
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May 8, 1975 |
75-2038 Box 28b29a Commercial |
Superior Sanitation Service, 155 Ardelt Ave. Kitchener, B/W photo, Mrs. Dolly Hartman |
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[1975] |
75-2050 Box 10c Commercial |
Cottrell Forwarding, 136 Herbert St., Waterloo : Mr. Ken Earle, May 15, 1975. |
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May 15, 1975 |
75-2062 Box 27a Commercial |
P.S.B. Speakers, St. Jacobs, Ontario, [per] Walter Herman, Beta II speaker unit, May 22, 1975. |
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May 22, 1975 |
75-2072 Box 7d Commercial |
Uniroyal, Dobbin, G. R., colour portrait in office, Elmira, Ontario, [per] J. G. Rheaume, 669-5466, May 30, 1975 |
File |
May 30, 1975 |
75-2088 Box 13b Commercial |
Killean Fields, Puslinch Lake, Ontario, colour aerials of all property, [per] J. G. Clark, Ned Sealey, 656-2853, June 10, 1975 |
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June 10, 1975 |
75-2094 Box 31b32a Commercial |
Waterloo Motor Inn, King St. N, Waterloo, Color exterior of Motel, June, 1975 |
File |
June 1975 |
75-2095 Box 31b32a Commercial |
Waterloo Motor Inn, Color, Keller Room, 2 views, June 15, 1975 |
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June 15, 1975 |
75-3000 Box 31b32a Commercial |
Waterloo Motor Inn, King St. N, Waterloo, Al Kunschner, Color photographs, Swimming pool, June 17, 1975 |
File |
June 17, 1975 |
75-3003 Box 8a Commercial |
Cluthe Sales (Waterloo) Ltd., 141 Weber St. S., Waterloo, Mr. Doug Ireland : b&w photos, display blister packs, small utensils, carpet savers, Jun. 19, 1975. |
File |
June 19, 1975 |
75-3005 Box 8a Commercial |
Cluthe Products : b&w photo, blister display packs, Jun. 19, 1975. |
File |
June 19, 1975 |
75-3008 Box 17b18a Commercial |
Cluthe Sales, photo of 4 individual packages tog [i.e., together?], June 19, 1975. |
File |
June 19, 1975 |
75-3031 Box 12a Commercial |
Equitable Life Insurance, 1 Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo, Mrs. Hays, b&w portrait, Murry J. Katzman, July 4, 1975. |
File |
July 4, 1975 |
75-3038 Box 37b Commercial |
Reeve Bean, 505 Dutton Drive, Waterloo, Ont., B/W - 3 month baby in car seat, Andrea Knowles - Clive & Glenda Knowles, July 10, 1975 |
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July 10, 1975 |
75-3053 Box 15b Commercial |
Waterloo Glove Manufacturing Co., 105 Erb St. West, Waterloo, b&w of hand ball glove, [per] Bob Putnam, July 17, 1975. |
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July 17, 1975 |
75-3064 Box 10a Commercial |
Belgium [Standard], [July, 1975]. |
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[July 1975] |