1966 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
66-2499 MacGregor School Fashions File May 30, 1966
66-2502 McLaughlin, Beth, Woman of the Week, Artist in Enamel File August 11, 1966
66-2503 McTavish, Elizabeth, Woman of the Week File October 11, 1966
66-2504 Meals on Wheels File April 22, 1966
66-2505 Mennonite Convention File June 24, 1966
66-2509 Missionary Society of Presbyterian Church File April 05, 1966
66-2519 Parker, Mrs. Guy C., Woman of the Week File June 22, 1966
66-2520 Plomske, Mrs. John at Organ File May 12, 1966
66-2523_002 Rahn, Mrs. Sheldon Item August 23, 1966
66-2523_003 Rahn, Mrs. Sheldon Item August 23, 1966
66-2523_006 Rahn, Mrs. Sheldon Item August 23, 1966
66-2527 Schedewitz, Mrs. Howard & Swags File December 07, 1966
66-2528 Scherer, Mr. and Mrs. Walter (60th) File December 27, 1966
66-2529 Schmidt, Gladys File February 16, 1966
66-2532 Sertoma Club Aux. File April 02, 1966
66-2537 Sportsman Show Fashions File April 11, 1966
66-2538 St. Johns Church, Dessert Bridge File April 14, 1966
66-2546 Ternent, Mrs. George, Doon File December 07, 1966
66-2550 Toronto Fashions File December 1966
66-2558 Westmount Golf Club 1966 Closing, Ladies File November 10, 1966
66-2561 Whittaker, Mrs. Amy File October 28, 1966
66-2568 Yendt, Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold, Wedding Anniversary File April 25, 1966
66-1912 McCarthy, Credit Union Vice Pres. File October 19, 1966
66-1914 McEwan, Court File May 15, 1966
66-1915 McKendrich, William, Advt., A and W Drive In File September 19, 1966
66-1919 McMillan, Dr. Kenneth File February 28, 1966
66-1923 Meisinger, John File December 29, 1966
66-1929 Mogoto, Wilson File March 24, 1966
66-1939 Mounteer, John File January 06, 1966
66-1946 Needhuis, Miss Ria File October 20, 1966
66-1947 Nelson, Clifford, Manager, Kitchener National Employment Service File August 02, 1966
66-1948 Neufeld, Frederick File 1966
66-1953 Norris, Ken, Church Page File April 05, 1966
66-1956 O'Brien, Rev. File November 1966
66-1961 Owers, Bruce File May 05, 1966
66-1962 Owers, Mrs. Bruce, La Sertoma Club File June 29, 1966
66-1963 Packard, Vance, U.S. Author File January 19, 1966
66-1971 Polzin, Rita, Staff File April 1966
66-1975 Presley, Ken File May 1966
66-1992 Robinson, Rev. Cannon Morse C. File December 06, 1966
66-1993 Robinson, Rev. M.C. File 1966
66-1996 Rogers, Warren, Office Overload File December 13, 1966
66-1997 Roth, Dave File December 15, 1966
66-1998 Roy, Raymond File December 29, 1966
66-2005 Schaefer, Don File July 26, 1966
66-2006 Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, 50th Anniversary File September 13, 1966
66-2012 Schlegel, Murray File February 28, 1966
66-2014 Schmalz, Bob File June 03, 1966
66-2015 Schmidt, Cully File 1966
66-2016 Schmidt, Leighton For Church Page File March 11, 1966
66-2018 Schmidt, Murray File January 31, 1966
66-2020 Schroeder, Dennis, Record Employee File August 17, 1966
66-2022 Schustereit, Werner File December 29, 1966
66-2031 Sidlmeir, Tom, Record Employee File August 12, 1966
66-2048 Staebler, Edna File October 17, 1966
66-2051 Stewart, Rev. Donald File October 26, 1966
66-2054 Stubbs, John, Record Employee File September 06, 1966
66-2056 Swan, Canon Minto, Church Page File April 04, 1966
66-2063 Thiele, G.A. File March 28, 1966
66-2070 Turnbull, Brian, Waterloo City Planning Dept. File March 22, 1966
66-2071 Turner, Spec File August 01, 1966
66-2075 Wagner, Art, Adv., Wagner Real Estate File October 11, 1966
66-2079 Weaver, Donald File April 19, 1966
66-2082 Weber, Virginia For Church Page File September 19, 1966
66-2084 Weichel, Ross File April 1966
66-2090 Wigmore, Rev. W.B. File July 11, 1966
66-2091 Wildgust, John, Record Employee File May 02, 1966
66-2094 Wilson, Brenda, Record Staff File February 09, 1966
66-2099 Woods, Art File February 17, 1966
66-2104 Yantzi, Glen File January 19, 1966
66-2106 Young, Bruce, Record Employee File April 18, 1966
66-2113 Zielger, George & Plaque File December 08, 1966
66-2114 Anstett, Larry, Rockway Jr. Golf Champ File July 08, 1966
66-2121 Baseball, Panthers, Brantford File August 19, 1966
66-2128 Basketball, Coronets vs. Montreal Y.M.H.A., Eastern Canada Finals File March 29, 1966
66-2142 Basketball, St. Jeromes vs. Brantford, St. Johns File February 23, 1966
66-2144 Basketball, St. Jeromes, Eastwood File December 23, 1966
66-2145 Basketball, St. Jeromes, JF Ross File February 02, 1966
66-2146 Basketball, University of Waterloo Invitation Tourney File December 30, 1966
66-2153 Blue Diamond Motorcycle Club Presents Cheque to Joe Connell For Charity, $1,000 File December 09, 1966
66-2155 Bowling, Buckingham, Herb, Perfect 300 Game File January 08, 1966
66-2162 Bowling, Post Office High Triple, Mitchel O'Brien File November 29, 1966
66-2166 Bowling, Victoria Bowl, Women's Winners File October 24, 1966
66-2169 Bowling, Youth Winners File March 06, 1966
66-2171 Boxing, K-W Athletic Club Meet at Polish Legion File December 12, 1966
66-2181 Curling, Goudies, Womens Bonspiel File January 07, 1966
66-2182 Curling, Granite Valentine Bonspiel File February 12, 1966
66-2185 Curling, Men's Individual Bonspiel at Granite Club, Winning Skips File 1966
66-2191 Curling, Westmount Ladies, Sarnia File January 26, 1966
66-2192 CWOSSA Track Meet File May 19, 1966
66-2199 Football Action, WLU vs. RMC File November 05, 1966
66-2204 Football, Czudyjowycz, Nick File October 15, 1966
66-2207 Football, FHCI vs. KCI File October 07, 1966
66-2208 Football, Gilmartin, Les File October 26, 1966
66-2211 Football, Junior Semi-Finals File October 28, 1966
66-2214 Football, Knight, Dave, Coach WLU File November 05, 1966
66-2216 Football, Minor Opening, Mayor Buttler File September 16, 1966
66-2217 Football, Peewee & Bantam Winners File November 19, 1966
66-2221 Football, Waterloo Collegiate File 1966
66-2226 Football, WCI, Posed Action File November 03, 1966
Results 2201 to 2300 of 2709