1966 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
66-1771 Emmerson, Rev. D.J. File October 14, 1966
66-1776 Eydt, Rev. Paul File April 14, 1966
66-1781 Fehrenbach, Joe With Award File July 04, 1966
66-1785 Floyd, David, Executive Director of Big Brother Assoc. File June 29, 1966
66-1788 Forti, Mrs. Leonore, National Secretaries Convention File May 13, 1966
66-1789 Franklin, Bill, Photo By Belair File January 25, 1966
66-1793 Frye, Harold File June 24, 1966
66-1796 Gauthier, Miss Colette File November 24, 1966
66-1808 Gothard, Jim File April 18, 1966
66-1809 Graham, Frederick File January 24, 1966
66-1810 Graham, Rev. Anne File September 07, 1966
66-1815 Gummow, Mr. and Mrs. William, 50th Anniversary File March 07, 1966
66-1822 Harmer, Joanne, Artistic Hairstyling... File November 24, 1966
66-1824 Hartrick, Mrs. Ross File February 14, 1966
66-1825 Hasenpflug, Mrs. O. File March 24, 1966
66-1842 Holdenmeyer, Mrs. Dorothy, Canada Trust, Huron and Erie File June 03, 1966
66-1845 Hoogstatten, Mrs. Vinia File October 17, 1966
66-1847 Hopf, Rev. Arnold and Family File July 06, 1966
66-1851 Howald, Russ File October 25, 1966
66-1852 Hughs, Marvin, Baha-i Conference University of Waterloo File 1966
66-1855 Janelle, Rosilda, Advt., Christines Hair Styles File May 02, 1966
66-1864 Kancsar, Stephen File December 29, 1966
66-1869 King, Rev. Walter File 1966
66-1873 Knorr, Edward, Church Page File May 16, 1966
66-1876 Koutzodimos, C., Fairway Park Restaurant File March 29, 1966
66-1877 Krabil, Dr. W.S. File January 29, 1966
66-1881 Kronis, Jack File January 25, 1966
66-1882 Krueger, Wilhelm (Rathskellar) File November 02, 1966
66-1883 Kuntz, Delores, Advt. For Washerama & Appliances File August 12, 1966
66-1886 Land, William File November 01, 1966
66-1888 Lang, Joe, Callender Real Estate File April 20, 1966
66-1890 Lauer, John File May 1966
66-1897 Lepage, Don, Advt., Bad Boy Appliances File December 14, 1966
66-1902 Losee, Fred File March 31, 1966
66-27 Accident, P.U.C. Workman Electricuted File April 20, 1966
66-28 Accident, Strange St. Crossing, Boy & Train File August 10, 1966
66-30 Accident, Tractor Fatality File June 04, 1966
66-35 Accident, Truck, Corner of Ottawa & Highland File January 19, 1966
66-39 Accident, Weber & Young File 1966
66-44 Adv., Artistic Hair Styles File 1966
66-55 Aerial, Doon Road at 401 File March 17, 1966
66-58 Aerial, Guelph Reformatory File June 22, 1966
66-66 Aerial, Kitchener, King and Frederick, City Hall File 1966
66-70 Aerial, University of Waterloo Construction File March 17, 1966
66-77 Aircraft, New Canadian Plane, Found Bros. Rexdale File March 10, 1966
66-78 Alexander School, Mayor Butler File 1966
66-80 All Saints Anglican Church, Exterior File July 05, 1966
66-88 Apprentices, Top Awards Winners, Holiday Inn File March 31, 1966
66-89 Armories, Victoria St., Western Ontario District Commander Visits File October 20, 1966
66-90 Army, Engineers Assault Bridge Over Connestogo File May 29, 1966
66-91 Arndt, Charles File January 13, 1966
66-92 Arthur (Jerry's Tour) File July 12, 1966
66-95 Auditorium, Leaky Pipes File November 16, 1966
66-101 Batke, Mrs. T.L. File April 12, 1966
66-102 Baetz Furniture, Chesterfield Suite File January 07, 1966
66-105 Baird, Harry, Pith Helmet File 1966
66-120 Bauer, James, Beef and Sheepdog File 1966
66-125 Bean Festival at Zurich... File August 27, 1966
66-132 Benton St. Baptist Church, Construction File May 05, 1966
66-142 Bindernagel, Mr. and Mrs. Charles File February 14, 1966
66-148 Blood Donors Clinic (Life Underswriters) File December 07, 1966
66-149 Bloomingdale School, Visits Sugar Bush File March 15, 1966
66-153 Bonnie Stuart Shoes, For Finance Column File March 24, 1966
66-154 Book Counter File August 23, 1966
66-155 Book Cover, Sauerkraut and Enterprise File November 25, 1966
66-156 Boss, Earl File November 20, 1966
66-166 Braden, Gary & Family File December 23, 1966
66-172 Breithaupt Recreation Centre, Registration For Swimming File April 09, 1966
66-174 Breithaupt Swimming Class Lineup File December 20, 1966
66-175 Breithaupt Teen Centre, Protest Meeting File December 13, 1966
66-181 Bridgeport Branch Library File January 25, 1966
66-183 Bridgeport Recreation Commission, Art Exhibition File May 13, 1966
66-184_002 Bridgeport Traffic light Item October 1966
66-186 Brotherhood Week Dinner, Walper Hotel File February 22, 1966
66-189 Brown, Mrs J.E., New Dundee File October 06, 1966
66-192 Budd Company, Helicopter Airlift File June 22, 1966
66-193 Budd Plant, Interior and Car Frame File November 02, 1966
66-194 Budd Plant, Officials Visit File March 15, 1966
66-198 Building 97 to 101 King Street, West File January 06, 1966
66-200 Burns & Co., Cattle Judging File February 22, 1966
66-206 Cadillac Grill For Finance File February 01, 1966
66-219 Canada Cabinet Building, (Demolition) File January 20, 1966
66-220 Canada Cabinet, Exterior File January 05, 1966
66-225 Cancer Society, Wrapping Gifts File December 05, 1966
66-226 Cann, J.R. Ross and Birds File October 07, 1966
66-229 Car Wash, Talking Business Column File February 05, 1966
66-230 Car, Talking Business Column File February 1966
66-233 Careers Exposition File October 18, 1966
66-235 Carling Breweries, Beer For Zambia File January 14, 1966
66-238 Carpenters Union, 30th Anniversary Dinner File February 17, 1966
66-241_001 Cat in a Cast Item October 14, 1966
66-247 Cemetary at Limerick Rd. Being Moved File November 24, 1966
66-253 Central Meat Market, Kindergarten Letters File November 02, 1966
66-257 Central Ontario Exhibition, Clark, Mrs. Ivy File September 27, 1966
66-259 Central Ontario Exhibition, Opening Night File September 26, 1966
66-268 Chamber of Commerce, W. John Sheridan File May 10, 1966
66-269 Chapell, Mr. and Mrs. George, 5 Anniv. File February 21, 1966
66-271 Chartered Accountants and Lawyers Meeting File February 08, 1966
66-279 Chimney Sweeps File October 09, 1966
66-283 Christmas Fantasies File December 20, 1966
Results 1701 to 1800 of 2709