1966 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
66-1479 Box 40a Commercial MTD, 1 photo of wheelbarrow, Sehl, Bill Hills, Jan 6, 1966 File January 6, 1966
66-1485 Box 7b Commercial J.E. Seagram and Sons Ltd., Peter Actovitch, Jan. 10, 1966 : progress warehouses, Breslau. File January 1966
66-1489 Box 6j Commercial B. F. Goodrich, Van Koughnet, portrait Jan 11, 1966 File January 11, 1966
66-1494 Box 11b Commercial Culligan Soft Water, Mr. Barclay : Mr. Don McKechnie, Jan. 13, 1966. File January 13, 1966
66-1501 Box 40a Commercial Sehl Engineering, 6 mowers, Bill Hills, Goodyear Tire & Rubber, Jan 14, 1966 File January 14, 1966
66-1502 Box 40a Commercial Sehl Engineering, 3 mowers, Bill Hills, United Co-ops of Ontario, Jan 14, 1966 File January 14, 1966
66-1515 Box 10a Commercial Carter Bros, Don Williams : photo of truck body, Jan. 20, 1966. File January 20, 1966
66-1522 Box 17b18a Commercial Aljon Printers, small pieces for Cluthe , [per] Mr. John Guse, Jan. 20, 1966. File January 20, 1966
66-1530 Box 7b Commercial Joseph E. Seagram, P. Actovitch, Jan. 24, 1966 : progress Breslau. File January 1966
66-1531 Box 12b Commercial John Forsyth Co. Ltd., E. Gutpell, maple leaf, tailor tie and belt set, Jan. 24, 1966. File January 24, 1966
66-1550 Box 7b Commercial Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, P. Actovitch : progress at Breslau, Feb. 1, 1966. File February 1, 1966
66-1551 Box 6j Commercial B. F. Goodrich, group photo, sales conference, Holiday Inn, 1 group photo, 1 speaker, 1 presentation, [per] Dave Corbett, Feb 1, 1966 File February 1, 1966
66-1552 Box 6j Commercial B. F. Goodrich, sales conference, Holiday Inn [per] Mr. Pieprzak, February 3, 1966. File February 3, 1966
66-1557 Box 8c Commercial Bell Telephone, Water St., Dorothy Wright : portrait, Miss Margaret Marshall, Feb. 3, 1966. File February 3, 1966
66-1588 Box 7b Commercial Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Peter Actovitch : progress, warehouses Breslau, Feb. 28, 1966. File February 28, 1966
66-1596 Box 39a Commercial Mutual Life, Portrait, Mr. J.C. Collins, March 1, 1966 File March 1, 1966
66-1612 Box 39a Commercial Mutual Life, Portrait, Mr. McCaig, Don Ayers (Kitchener Branch), 305 King St. W., Mr. McCaig, 476 Forest Hill Dr., Kitchener, March 4, 1966 File March 4, 1966
66-1617 Box 7b Commercial J.E. Seagram and Sons Ltd., Peter Actovitch, Mar. 7, 1966 : progress Breslau. File March 7, 1966
66-1628 Box 12c Commercial Highland Equipment, copy photo skidder, Mr. Lee Murray, Mar.10, 1966. File March 10, 1966
66-1635 Box 15b Commercial Trend Equipment Co. Ltd., sponge, rubber seal, [per] Mr. Grant, 744-4167, [1966]. File [1966]
66-1650 Box 12a Commercial Equitable Life, Roger Williams, portrait Mr. Farrell, Mar. 21, 1966. File March 21, 1966
66-1669 Box 10b Commercial Bingeman's, E. Gascho, Mar. 25, 1966 : colour and b&w at roller rink. File March 25, 1966
66-1672 Box 13b Commercial K. W. Raquet, 138 Duke St. E., Kitchener, P-P trophy, [per] Glen Peister, March 25, 1966 File March 25, 1966
66-1679 Box 39a Commercial Mutual Life, Portrait, Mr. Tennant, Carl Wahl, March 28, 1960 File March 28, 1966
66-1682 Box 6a Commercial Bailey, R., portrait, Forbes Motors, March 29, 1966 File March 29, 1966
66-1687 Box 10b Commercial Bingeman Park, E. Gascho, Mar. 29, 1966 : interior for brochure. File March 29, 1966
66-1688 Box 14c Commercial Parkway Lumber Co., 1447 Mill St., Kitchener, Ont., colour and b&w ; interior and exteriors, March 31, 1966 File March 31, 1966
66-1692 Box 8c Commercial Bell Telephone, 659 King E., Kitchener, Apr. 1, 1966, Mr. McCraken : portrait of Mr. Resouth. File April 1, 1966
66-1716 Box 6j Commercial B. F. Goodrich, group for computer lecture at Holiday Inn, [per] Trevor Jones, April 12, 1966 File April 12, 1966
66-1723 Box 6j Commercial B. F. Goodrich, press awards, [per] Pieprzak, April 16, 1966 File April 16, 1966
66-1728 Box 11b Commercial Co-operators Insurance, Mr. Watson : photo of accident car at Georgetown, [1966?]. File [1966]
66-1728A Box 10c Commercial Co-operators Spares, [1966?]. File [1966]
66-1749 Box 12b Commercial Fairview Shopping Centre, Bill Wiseman, cars and crowds and car park, Apr. 22, 1966. File April 22, 1966
66-1759 Box 6j Commercial B. F. Goodrich, retirement, King St. store, C. Brubacher and freezer, [per] Zigmund Pieprzak, April 26, 1966 File April 26, 1966
66-1765 Box 8c Commercial Bell Telephone, 800 King W., Kitchener, Apr. 28, 1966, Mr. Bender : retirement photos. File April 28, 1966
66-1779 Box 11a Commercial Caton Estates, Jim Hahn : portrait [of] Mrs. Ruth Anderson, Apr. 29, 1966. File April 29, 1966
66-1780 Box 11a Commercial Caton Estates, Jim Hahn : portrait [of] Mr. Jim Hahn, Apr. 29, 1966. File April 29, 1966
66-1782 Box 11a Commercial Caton Estates, Jim Hahn : portrat [of] Mrs. [Scanisch?], Apr. 29, 1966. File April 29, 1966
66-1783 Box 11a Commercial Caton Estates : portrait [of] Mr. W. Caton, Apr. 29, 1966. File April 29, 1966
66-1785 Box 11a Commercial Caton Estates, Jim Hahn : portrait [of] Mrs. Ruggles, Apr. 29, 1966. File April 29, 1966
66-1822 Box 40b Commercial Extra Storage Northdale School, Mr. Chambers, Hickory St., Grade II group photos, May 10, 1966 File May 10, 1966
66-1837 Box 12b Commercial John Forsyth Ltd., Mr. Gutpell, shirts, ties, jewellery, May 19, 1966. File May 19, 1966
66-1851 Box 6j Commercial B. F. Goodrich, presentation in Dr. Yohe's office, [per] Mrs. Brown, May 25, 1966 File May 25, 1966
66-1864 Box 7c Commercial Supertest Petroleum, 501 King St., Kitchener, May 27, 1966, Mr. Rawlings : group of ten at Tien Hoa. File May 27, 1966
66-1869 Box 8c Commercial Bell Telephone, 659 King E., Kitchener, May 30, 1966 : identity photos, John L. Lewis. File May 30, 1966
66-1889 Box 37a Commercial Bean Printing, Doug Martin, Copy photos of table tops, June 3, 1966 File June 3, 1966
66-1895 Box 10c Commercial Cameron Clair, Westside Farm, Waterloo, 98 Albert, Waterloo : colour aerial, picnic Westside Park, June 5, 1966. File June 5, 1966
66-1929 Box 11c Commercial Dominion Life, portrait Mr. Holberton, June 14, 1966. File June 14, 1966
66-1938 Box 8c Commercial Bell Telephone, 20 Water St., traffic department, Jun. 16, 1966 : presentation. File June 16, 1966
66-1961 Box 39a Commercial Mutual Life, Portrait, Mr. Wettlaufer, Carl Wahl, June 24, 1966 File June 24, 1966
66-1962 Box 39a Commercial Mutual Life, Carl Wahl, Portrait, Mr. Duncan, June 24, 1966 File June 24, 1966
66-1971 Box 40a Commercial Sehl Engineering, Photos of plants, Bill Hills, Ottawa St, June 27, 1966 File June 27, 1966
66-1975 Box 10a Commercial Carter Bros, Mr. Ralph Carter : portrait, June 27, 1966. File June 27, 1966
66-1982 Box 39a Commercial Mutual Life, Portrait, Mr. Cline, Carl Wahl, June 30, 1966 File June 30, 1966
66-1991 Box 10c Commercial Cunningham - Limp Builders, P.O. Box 391, Galt, Alex Emery : 2 buildings in Galt, July 5, 1966. File July 5, 1966
66-1994 Box 39a Commercial Mutual Life, Portrait, Mr. Tuck, Carl Wahl, July 5, 1966 File July 5, 1966
66-1995 Box 8b Commercial Royal Bank, Waterloo, Jul. 5, 1966 : portrait, Mr. Cressman. File July 5, 1966
66-2028 Box 7c Commercial Black Top Paving, Mr. Widmeyer, Jul. 18, 1966 : Budd Plant paving. File July 18, 1966
66-2029 Box 9c Commercial Chatham Fabrics, Jul. 15, 1966 : 1 stool. File July 15, 1966
66-2033 Box 39a Commercial Mutual Life, Portrait, Mr. Young, Kitchener Branch, July 19, 1966 File July 19, 1966
66-2035 Box 6j Commercial B. F. Goodrich, visiting president of U. S. Aircraft Co., Mr, Piasecki. [per] Mr. Pieprzak, July 21, 1966 File July 21, 1966
66-2039 Box 8b Commercial Bank of Nova Scotia, Union and Moore, Waterloo, July 23, 1966 : portrait, Mr. Mike Karges. File July 23, 1966
66-2048 Box 39a Commercial Mutual Life, Waterloo, Carl Wahl, Portrait, Mr. Bob Stoner, July 26, 1966 File July 26, 1966
66-2089 Box 14b Commercial Extra Storage Ontario Department of Education, 279 Weber St. N., Waterloo, swimming pools and filtration plants, Hamilton and Burlington, [per] Mr. J. Doug Paton, 576-2512, Aug 16, 1966. File August 16, 1966
66-2091 Box 39a Commercial Mutual Life, Portrait, Mr. Ward Stauffer, Carl Wahl, Aug 18, 1966 File August 18, 1966
66-2092 Box 39a Commercial Mutual Life, Portrait, Mr. Bentley, Carl Wahl, Aug 18, 1966 File August 18, 1966
66-2094 Box 12c Commercial Holiday Inn, 50 Weber W., Kitchener, Mr. Turge, exterior and interior, Aug. 18, 1966. File August 18, 1966
66-2094B Box 12c Commercial Holiday Inn, 50 Weber W., Kitchener, Mr. Turge, colour exterior, for University of Waterloo, 1966. File 1966
66-2095 Box 6j Commercial B. F. Goodrich, MacKenzie, Don, portrait, [per] J. Brown, Aug 18, 1966 File August 18, 1966
66-2097 Box 6j Commercial B. F. Goodrich, Phillips, M. John, portrait, [per] J. Brown, Aug 18, 1966 File August 18, 1966
66-2151 Box 10c Commercial C.C.C.R., 150 Victoria S., Kitchener, Paul Gilmour, 81 Highland Rd. W., Kitchener : 2 group photos, Sept. 14, 1966. File September 14, 1966
66-2153 Box 12b Commercial Fairview Plaza, Bill Wiseman, Fashion Show, Sept. 15, 1966. File September 15, 1966
66-2164 Box 10c Commercial Clemmer Industries, Wilf Kenzle : mortar boxes, [1966?]. File [1966]
66-2172 Box 12b Commercial Fairview Plaza, Pinocchio Show, Mr. Wiseman, Sept. 24, 1966. File September 24, 1966
66-2189 Box 29b30a Commercial Stevens Motors, Crowd Photo, Sept 30, 1966 File September 30, 1966
66-2210 Box 32b33a Commercial Waterloo Masonic Lodge, Portrait, Ross Walker, 350 Erb W., Waterloo, Oct 5, 1966 File October 5, 1966
66-2212 Box 7c Commercial Workman's Compensation, Bel, 151 Frederick St., 5th Floor. Kitchener, Mr. Roycoft, Oct. 7, 1966 : claims office with claimant at desk. File October 7, 1966
66-2217 Box 7c Commercial Workman's Compensation Board, 90 Harbour St., Toronto, Jack Hollingworth, Oct. 12, 1966 : plowing match at Seaforth. File October 12, 1966
66-2222 Box 8c Commercial Bell Telephone Co. Ltd., 20 Water St. W., Kitchener, Oct. 13, 1966 : portrait, Mr. Rowding. File October 13, 1966
66-2264 Box 11c Commercial Department of Labour, Information Branch, 74 Victoria St., Toronto 1, Ontario, Mr. E.C. Fisher : careers expo booth, Oct. 21, 1966. File October 21, 1966
66-2272 Box 6a Commercial Batson, Mr., portrait, Forbes Motors Ltd., Oct 25, 1966 File October 25, 1966
66-2273 Box 8c Commercial Bell Telephone, 659 King E., Kitchener, Oct. 25, 1966 : 1 pose, 5x7 gloss, portrait, Mr. Hines. File October 25, 1966
66-2308 Box 6a Commercial Lagozny, Mr., portrait, Forbes Motors, [per] Glen Poth, Oct 31, 1966 File October 31, 1966
66-2315 Box 7a Commercial IBM : 1 photo in office, Mr. Jim Stubbs, Nov. 2, 1966. File November 2, 1966
66-2317 Box 10a Commercial Carter Bros., Don Williams. Portraits R.E. Walker and Miss Marion Roeder. Nov. 3, 1966. File November 3, 1966
66-2319 Box 12b Commercial J. Forsyth, shirt and tie, Don Wilson, Nov. 3, 1966. File November 3, 1966
66-2332 Box 40a Commercial Sehl Engineering, Bob Smiley, 6 lawnmowers, Nov 7, 1966 File November 7, 1966
66-2333 Box 6a Commercial Rudyk, Ed, portrait, Forbes Motors Ltd., [per] Glen Poth, Nov 8, 1966 File November 8, 1966
66-2335 Box 8c Commercial Bell Telephone, 254 Bowman St., Waterloo : portrait, Mr. Steinke. File [1966]
66-2336 Box 15a Commercial Corrosion Service Co. Ltd., floors at Rod and Gun Club, c/o Seamless Systems Canada Ltd., 50 Maitland St., Toronto 5, P.O. #0104/SSL/TMI, colour photos, [per] Mr. Miller, Bridgeport, Nov 8, 1966. File November 8, 1966
66-2367 Box 15b Commercial Extra Storage Weldwood Ltd., photo of Mr. Strub in front of truck, [per] Mr. John Strub, Nov 15, 1966. File November 15, 1966
66-2368 Box 17b18a Commercial Aljon Print Craft Ltd., 3 displays of small items (screwdrivers etc.), [per] John Guse, Nov. 15, 1966. File November 15, 1966
66-2372 Box 14c Commercial Kurtz, Mr., portrait, Reynolds Smith Corp., Waterloo, Ont., Nov 15, 1966 File November 15, 1966
66-2376 Box 7b Commercial Joseph E. Seagram, Miss Beckinschew, Nov. 17, 1966 : photos of desk in main office. File November 17, 1966
66-2377 Box 10a Commercial Carter Bros., Don Williams. Photo of feed truck, Nov. 17, 1966. File November 17, 1966
66-2389 Box 28b29a Commercial Roberts Electric, Portrait, Mr. Jack Bragg, Nov 22, 1966 File November 22, 1966
66-2405 Box 8a Commercial Aljon, Nov. 27, 1966, from MTD, 4 colour, 3 b&w : Tecomaster mowers. File November 27, 1966
66-2405A Box 40a Commercial M.T.D, 12 lawn mowers, Color for Al-Jon, Eatons, Tecomaster, Green, Nov 28, 1966 File November 28, 1966
66-2406 Box 39a Commercial Mutual Life, Portrait, M. D. Kessig, Carl Wahl, Nov 28, 1966 File November 28, 1966
66-2407 Box 37a Commercial Bean Printing, Chain Hardware, Nov 28, 1966 File November 28, 1966
Results 1 to 100 of 422