1961 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
61-1263_002 Snowman, 112 Union St. E., Waterloo Item March 13, 1961
61-7 Accident, Earth Mover Bogged Down File February 24, 1961
61-11 Accident, Jerry Bookout with Record Car File September 21, 1961
61-14 Accident, near Shantz Station, Tractor File October 24, 1961
61-16 Accident, Queen and Highland File December 20, 1961
61-21 Accident, Watt Fatality File January 23, 1961
61-439 Feet Feature File 1961
61-442 Fire Chiefs' Convention, Hoist File August 21, 1961
61-444 Fire Department, Lawn Sign File August 19, 1961
61-453 Fire, Exercise on Marina Road File May 10, 1961
61-456 Fire, Galt, Grand River Discount Store, Aerials File November 19, 1961
61-459_008 Fire, King Bowl, King Street Item August 06, 1961
61-459_012 Fire, King Bowl, King Street Item August 06, 1961
61-459_019 Fire, King Bowl, King Street Item August 06, 1961
61-465 Fire, St. Agatha File December 15, 1961
61-466 Fire, Suddaby School File June 29, 1961
61-467 Fire, Sunnyside Mill Supplies File November 20, 1961
61-469 Firemen's Convention, Hoses File August 22, 1961
61-476 Fish at Four Wells File September 09, 1961
61-483 Fleming, Finance Minister Donald at Waterloo Lutheran Univ. File November 27, 1961
61-489 Football, Eastwood vs. KCI, IRL Championship File November 10, 1961
61-493 Football, KW Minor North Ward Juveniles, Finalists File November 20, 1961
61-496 Football, Peewee Championship File November 11, 1961
61-497 Football, St. Jerome's Lineups File September 22, 1961
61-500 Football, WLU Team File November 03, 1961
61-505 Four-H Scrapbooks Winners File February 25, 1961
61-514 Freeport, United Brethren Church File April 28, 1961
61-515 Freiburger, Mrs. Ralph, New Year's Baby File January 01, 1961
61-522 Fur Coat, Woman File December 20, 1961
61-528 German-Canadian Summer Festival, Food File June 28, 1961
61-534 Glad Hat Winners File April 24, 1961
61-536 Goerz, John File February 1961
61-538 Golf, Champions, Doon Valley Golf Club File June 24, 1961
61-546 Golf, Westmount and Rockway Junior Qualifiers File July 07, 1961
61-549 Goodrich, B. F., Business Booster File April 04, 1961
61-557 Grand River Golf Championship File 1961
61-561 Greenbrook Row Housing File 1961
61-563 Grocery Store Feature File June 1961
61-568_003 Guelph, Hospital Nurses Register Item September 18, 1961
61-571 Guelph, Man with Drill Press File 1961
61-580 Hahn, Jack File June 09, 1961
61-590 Handcuffs and Owner File July 20, 1961
61-594 Hardware Show at Kitchener Memorial Auditorium File February 16, 1961
61-597 Hay, Dr. David File 1961
61-600 Heidelberg, Hill Climb File October 09, 1961
61-605 Henning, Mr. and Mrs. and Daughter Daniel[le?] File July 15, 1961
61-609 Hi-Fi Components File February 09, 1961
61-618 Hilker, James File November 27, 1961
61-624 Hockey, Action, Galt vs. Winnipeg File April 23, 1961
61-625 Hockey, Allen Cup, Galt File April 1961
61-630 Hockey, Beavers, Hull Semi-Final File March 31, 1961
61-631 Hockey, Beavers, Thunderbirds File January 22, 1961
61-633 Hockey, Bob Brown, Hainsworth Trophy, Siskins File February 20, 1961
61-636 Hockey, Gil Lefort, Player of the Year, Greenshirts File March 09, 1961
61-639 Hockey, Hull, Ottawa, KW Beavers, Finals File April 07, 1961
61-642 Hockey, Minor Hockey League, Juvenile Champs, North Ward File January 27, 1961
61-648 Hockey, Police Boys Sweater Issue File November 11, 1961
61-652 Hockey, School League Tourney, Junior Winners, Carmichael File March 23, 1961
61-657 Hockey, Service Corps Hockey Champs File April 11, 1961
61-660 Hockey, University of Waterloo File January 09, 1961
61-661 Hockey, Waterloo Minor Peewees, Team pix File March 18, 1961
61-663 Hockey, Waterloo Separate Intermediates, St. Louis File March 1961
61-671 Hockey, Winnipeg Pewee Feature File April 05, 1961
61-674 Hogg, Mrs. Blanche File December 13, 1961
61-676 Hollinger, Daniel, Wedding Anniversary File May 24, 1961
61-680 Holy Trinity, Pancake Supper File February 11, 1961
61-684 Horse Show File May 12, 1961
61-686 Horse, Dead, Silverwood File September 16, 1961
61-689 Hot Weather File June 1961
61-692 House Feature, Bennett, J. H., Galt File September 20, 1961
61-694 House Feature, Breidenbough, O. J. File February 28, 1961
61-695 House Feature, Bury, Ray File June 1961
61-697 House Feature, Chaplin, Gordon, Galt File June 21, 1961
61-704 House Feature, Hunt, Mrs. Mel, 50 Juniper Cres. File February 01, 1961
61-717 House Feature, Seagram, Mrs. Tom File May 24, 1961
61-719 House Feature, Uffelman, 258 Lincoln Rd., Waterloo File February 21, 1961
61-720 House Feature, Vale, Mrs. A. N. File September 27, 1961
61-721 House Feature, Wallace, Norman, 5 Queen St., Guelph File November 24, 1961
61-724 House Feature, Wright, Sherman File December 13, 1961
61-727 House of Refuge Demolition File February 23, 1961
61-737 Huronia Hall, KW Gyrettes Feature File November 07, 1961
61-742_002 Inter-city Horseshoe Champs Item September 18, 1961
61-749 Ironing Outdoors File August 15, 1961
61-750 Irons, Antique File 1961
61-755 Janke, Mrs. Mary File August 01, 1961
61-764 Jewish Sorority Queen File January 07, 1961
61-765 Jolly Oldsters, Christmas Party File December 13, 1961
61-770 Junkyards and Cluttered Signs Feature File May 30, 1961
61-772 Kaufman and Lang, Record Correspondents File October 1961
61-774 Kavelman, William, 50th Anniversary File February 22, 1961
61-779 KCI, Top Boy and Girl, Carla Knell and Paul Stueck File April 28, 1961
61-780 KCI, Track and Field Winners File May 16, 1961
61-786 Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. George, 50th Wedding File April 17, 1961
61-787 Kent Hotel, Present and Old File April 27, 1961
61-793_001 King Street, Map Item 1961
61-795 King Street, Snow Removal File March 10, 1961
61-795_002 King Street, Snow Removal Item March 10, 1961
61-795_003 King Street, Snow Removal Item March 10, 1961
61-796 King Street, Towards Preston File March 01, 1961
61-799_004 Kitchener Fire Department, New Radio on Ladder Item September 08, 1961
Results 1801 to 1900 of 2055