1957 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
57-10485 Preston, Hockey Presentation File March 26, 1957
57-10488 Preston, Krueger File May 27, 1957
57-10489 Preston, Mill File June 01, 1957
57-10490 Preston, Mothers March of Dimes File February 01, 1957
57-10494 Preston, Open Health Centre File May 24, 1957
57-10495 Preston, Operatic Society File October 26, 1957
57-10503 Preston, South Waterloo Celebrants File December 29, 1957
57-10509 Progressive Conservative Nomination Meeting File April 12, 1957
57-10523 RCAF Wing 404 Delegates File February 22, 1957
57-10532 Remembrance Day Services, Kitchener, Waterloo File November 11, 1957
57-10535 Reuch, John and Pets File July 11, 1957
57-10536 Revolver Champions File March 14, 1957
57-10541 Robertson, Mrs. Helen Waimel File August 28, 1957
57-10542 Rockway Ladies Golf Tourney File August 20, 1957
57-10549 Santa Claus Series, Eatons, Baird File December 12, 1957
57-10550 Santz Claus, Plattsville File 1957
57-10552 Scarlett, Wm. File June 19, 1957
57-10553 Scharlach, Lorenz Retires File June 25, 1957
57-10558 Schiedel, Mrs. Floyd File March 20, 1957
57-10566 School Patrol Trip to Ottawa File May 09, 1957
57-10571 Schweitzer, Wilfred File March 19, 1957
57-10807_002 Waterloo, Ont. Liquor Board Property, 42 Erb St. East Item October 22, 1957
57-10818_002 Waterloo, Seagram Stadium, Painting Bee Item August 6, 1957
57-10751_002 Waterloo College, Lab, RCH for Financial Post Item November 29, 1957
57-10756_001 Waterloo College, Reunion, Gold Cup Item October 26, 1957
57-10096 Hackett, Miss Mary File March 07, 1957
57-10098 Hahn, Miss Amelia File June 27, 1957
57-10101 Hall, Clay File April 10, 1957
57-10102 Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest File October 22, 1957
57-10103 Haller, Rev. R. M. File December 17, 1957
57-10106 Hancock, George, South Waterloo File May 30, 1957
57-10113 Hayes, Edward File September 18, 1957
57-10116 Heimrich, Carl, Retiring, Cluett and Peabody File June 06, 1957
57-10123 Hiller, Mrs. Gordon and Children File April 25, 1957
57-10126 Hockey, Benton St. Baptist Champs File April 02, 1957
57-10127 Hockey, Catholic School Champions File February 26, 1957
57-10129 Hockey, Dutchmen, Action File March 16, 1957
57-10132 Hockey, Dutchmen, Russian Action File November 26, 1957
57-10134 Hockey, Dutchmen, Stratford Action File February 26, 1957
57-10135 Hockey, Dutchmen, Team Pic File November 17, 1957
57-10137 Hockey, Dutchmen, Windsor File October 18, 1957
57-10143 Hockey, Juvenile and Bantam Winning Teams File February 08, 1957
57-10145 Hockey, KW Dutchmen Team File May 1957
57-10147 Hockey, Margo Brown, Fergus Peewees File March 30, 1957
57-10150 Hockey, Peewee League Tournament File April 19, 1957
57-10153 Hockey, Police Boys Bantam File April 06, 1957
57-10155 Hockey, Presentation to Bantam Champs File November 18, 1957
57-10163 Hoffman, Dr. M. J. File July 19, 1957
57-10165 Hoffman, Harvey File November 25, 1957
57-10166 Hoffman, John File June 1957
57-10167 Homan, Kathleen, Corbyville File March 1957
57-10176 Hopton, A. W., Reception Party. With group of people standing outside beside Pullman train car. File April 23, 1957
57-10177 Horizon's Unlimited Group File October 11, 1957
57-10185 Hughes, David File March 20, 1957
57-10188 Hungarian Family, Marton File January 07, 1957
57-10195 Hymmen, Keith File March 12, 1957
57-10197 Income Tax Building File December 03, 1957
57-10200 Innerkip Post Office File January 1957
57-10203 Investment Councillors, E. H. Ely, R. H. Dean, J. Kingsmill File October 28, 1957
57-10206 IODE, Hats File March 18, 1957
57-10207 IODE, Life Membership File March 19, 1957
57-10210 IODE, Presentation to Waterloo College File April 05, 1957
57-10212 IOOF, Regional Meeting File February 20, 1957
57-10216 Japanese Christmas Party File December 30, 1957
57-10219 Jewish New Year File September 24, 1957
57-10224 Jolly Oldster Christmas Party File December 11, 1957
57-10227 Junior Farmers Play Winners File March 08, 1957
57-10232 Kaufman Lumber Co. File July 10, 1957
57-10234 Kaufman, Mrs. P. N. and Son Kim File November 07, 1957
57-10235 Kavanaugh, Kirk File March 22, 1957
57-10241 Kinette Tea File September 28, 1957
57-10256 Kitchener, Incinerator Plant File April 22, 1957
57-10261 Kitchener, Spring Valley Sewage Plant File April 22, 1957
57-10263 Kiwanis Buildathon File May 22, 1957
57-10265 Kiwanis Club, Cheque Presentation, Press, Radio, TV File January 26, 1957
57-10266 Kiwanis Music Festival File May 06, 1957
57-10268 Klemm, Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Daughter File December 06, 1957
57-10270 Knox Presbyterian Cornerstone Laying File November 17, 1957
57-10273 Koehler, Mrs. Ethel Kleinknect File May 28, 1957
57-10275 Kossuth School File 1957
57-10276 Kraeling, Walter, Orr Auto File March 11, 1957
57-10278 Kronis, Mrs. A. B., Queen's Garden Party File August 19, 1957
57-10279 Krug, Mrs. Mabel File January 18, 1957
57-10281 Kumpf, Ford, Presentation File February 16, 1957
57-10284 KW Collegiate, Gym Display File October 08, 1957
57-10287 KW Collegiate, Students' Council File January 11, 1957
57-10288 KW Collegiate, Students' Council File September 27, 1957
57-10291 KW Operatic Society File November 02, 1957
57-10292 KW Rotary Clinic, Cornerstone Laying, Breithaupt File October 11, 1957
57-10296 KW Symphony Tea, Fred Schneider Home File May 30, 1957
57-10298 Labor Federations Unite File April 13, 1957
57-10301 Lackenbauer, Harold Charles,Home for Christmas,Grandchildren File December 25, 1957
57-10310_003.jpg Leavine Family Item December 02, 1957
57-10323 Liberal Nomination, Ayr File April 11, 1957
57-10338 MacArthur, Jack and Family File September 01, 1957
57-10343 Malleck, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. File December 27, 1957
57-10350 Martin, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. File December 23, 1957
57-10351 Maryhill Library File April 12, 1957
57-10359 McClelland, Zoo, Bervie File March 19, 1957
57-10361 McCue, James, Preston File July 10, 1957
Results 1001 to 1100 of 1328